If You Asked Me Too - Sa13+ Run, Emma, Run! Hello there! This is my 7th FF here on SS! YAY! And this story is another little one shot of mine. It is called If You Asked Me Too and the famous song is by Celine Dion. This FF is a D/Hr story. I hope you all enjoy! Summary: Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have been crushing on each other since their 5th year at Hogwarts. Everyone, including the teachers, know about the love the two share for each other. Hermione is willing to give up everything just to be with Draco but Draco however isn’t ready to do the same…
Hermione Granger sighed as she sat down under a tree. She was tired of everything. Schoolwork, teachers, and Draco had her wiped out.
Hermione looked up.
“Oh hey James”.
“Why the long face?”
Hermione sighed again. She knew she could confide in James for anything. He was very trustworthy and one of her greatest friends. And besides she needed to talk to someone because the pain inside her was building up.
“It’s Draco”.
“Again? What happened now?”
“James I just don’t get it! He says he loves me! But when it comes to sacrificing something he freaks out and backs away”.
Hermione couldn’t help it. She started to cry. James looked at his friend and comforted her.
“Hermione maybe he’s not ready”.
“If he loves me he should be ready for anything” Hermione sobbed.
“Hermione he needs time. I thought we agreed that Draco was like a three year old. He just needs a little, okay maybe a big push to get him going”.
Hermione laughed.
“Thanks James. I knew I could count on you to make me feel better”.
“Well you know I’m the expert” James said.
“That’s what you think,” Hermione said.
“Hey! Well anyways how about we go to that show thingy?”
“What show thing?”
“The one where everyone goes up on stage thinking they know how to sing or dance and then they end up making a fool out of themselves”.
“Do you mean the talent show?”
“That’s the one!”
Hermione laughed.
“Sure let’s go. I need to get distracted some how”.
The two friends then got up and headed towards the castle. When they got there Hermione had an idea.
“James I want to prove to Draco he can trust me”.
“Doesn’t he already?”
“Well yes but I want him to know that I will do whatever if he asked…”
Hermione trailed off.
“If he what?”
“James I have to go!”
Hermione ran towards the stage and went to the back.
“Professor McGonagall! I need to sing up there tonight!” Hermione panted.
“I’m sorry Miss Granger you should have informed me earlier. The only spot that is opened is the duet”.
“Hermione what are you doing?” James said as he caught up with her.
“James will sing with me!” Hermione said in a rush.
“In that case hurry and get ready,” Professor McGonagall said as she walked away.
“Come James let’s get ready!” Hermione said as she grabbed James by the hand and dragged him to the dressing rooms.
“I’m sorry but what am I doing?” James asked.
“You’re singing with me,” Hermione said.
“I thought that’s what it…. WAIT WHAT?” James yelled.
“James I need you to sing with me! Please!” Hermione pleaded.
“Why? What? What the bloody heck are you doing!?” James said frustrated.
“I want to sing a song to Draco. To show him I’m here for him”.
“He’s your lover not mine!”
“Hermione! I can’t sing a love song to a guy!”
“Your right…sing it to Luciane!”
“Why not!”
“Because…she’s…she’s with me already”.
“I hate you” Hermione said.
“Hermione but I love you! And I know you can do this without me”.
James smiled at Hermione. And since James had the smile that always made girls swoon Hermione agreed to do it herself.
“Good luck!” James said and he left to find Luciane.
The show started and then…
“I’d like you all to give a round of applause to…Hermione Granger!”
Everyone applauded and Draco who was sitting in his chair looking depressed jumped at hearing Hermione’s name.
James noticed and said, “Pay attention to what she sings!”
“Why?” Draco asked.
“Because you’re an idiot! At least pay attention to something!”
Draco rolled his eyes and said, “Fine!”
Hermione was on stage.
“I’d like to dedicate this song to my one true love, and he knows who he is so I don’t have to say his name”.
Draco smiled at Hermione who smiled back.
The music started… …Used to be that I believed in something
Used to be that I believed in love
It's been a long time since I've had that feeling
I could love someone
I could trust someone
I said I'd never let nobody near my heart again darlin'
I said I'd never let nobody in…
Hermione was reffering to the time when she had gotten her heart broken by Harry. He had broken up with her and Hermione felt like she would never love again… But if you asked me to
I just might change my mind
And let you in my life forever
If you asked me to
I just might give my heart
And stay here in your arms forever
If you asked me to
If you asked me to
But when she started having feelings for Draco all that changed. But Draco always held himself back, which caused Hermione to do the same at times because she would be afraid of getting hurt. But now she wanted him to know that if he would just ask her to not be afraid of love she would do it…the song continued… …Asked me to, I will give my world to you baby
I need you now
Ask me to and I'll do anything for you baby, for you baby…
Hermione stopped singing. That’s the part she wanted Draco to keep in his mind. That if he asked her to not be afraid she would do it…she would do anything…
Hermione left the stage after a round of applause by the crowd.
“She loves you Draco” James said.
“I know but…I just don’t want to hurt her in any way” Draco replied.
“I’m sure you won’t…but if you do you have me to answer too!” James snapped.
Draco laughed.
“You know what you’re right”.
Draco then ran off to go find Hermione.
Hermione turned and saw Draco.
“Hello Draco” Hermione said.
“I don’t want to have a relationship that is full of sadness just because we’re scared. So…I ask you to give me another chance”.
Hermione smiled.
“Yes Draco. I would give you anything…If You Asked Me Too”.
Draco smiled and kissed Hermione.
It goes to show that it never hurts to ask someone for something.
I hope you all enjoyed my little one shot!
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy! |