My first ff has arrived! It's in the Epic/adventure section and it's called The war begins, a life will end. I've only written the first part so far but I'm half way through the next bit and it will be posted as soon as I've had a reply/review on the first bit! I'm planning on trying to get some riddles in there somewhere, if you've read all of these you might find a few later in the ff lol. Here's one for now though... Purebloods are the greatest, muggle-borns are scum,
Each last one should be tortured, that would be great fun.
Slytherin had the right idea, only pure-bloods in the school,
I wish I was the heir though, that would totally rule!
Potter this, Potter that, everyone worships Potter
All because of that hideous scar, it makes him look a rotter!
That Granger doesn't seem to think so, but she is a mudblood,
And the Weasley's aren't much better, you wouldn't know they were pure-blood.
My hair colour would give it away, so I'll just tell you this,
If you couldn't lose me in a crowd, my head you cannot miss!
The lastbit gives it away, Danz_angel x