Thread: Harry Potter: After the DA - Sa13+
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Old 06-01-2007, 06:56 PM   #130 (permalink)
Obi-Wan K'Lari

Obi-Wan K'Lari's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Atticus Cornridge
Second Year
Default Part 2
ll Achmed's 2nd Keeper ll Team Jacob l l Otaku ll

Chapter 5- The Visit

Arora knew Sam was just trying to help but she was getting both annoyed and tired of him half-dragging her to the hospital wing. It was almost defiantly making the pain worse. “You know what?” she said to him. “I think I can take it from here.” Arora stopped walking and carefully balanced herself on her good ankle. “You sure?” he asked her eyeing her leg and she assured him that she was fine and that she could get to the hospital wing. Sam eventually gave in and went back to the pitch slowly. “Isn’t your captain waiting for you?”

Sam looked back at her and swore under his breath as he took off running. Arora smiled and gasped the mouldings next to her as she took a few tentative steps forward. With an impressive pain shooting up and down her leg Arora made her way as slowly and calmly to the hospital wing as possible. “Ah!” Arora gasped as she stepped too quickly on her sprained ankle and she pulled up her leg in pain. It wouldn’t be too long before she got to the hospital wing but she needed a rest. Arora sat down on the side of the corridor her back resting on the wall.

It was peaceful in the corridor. There was a soft light playing on the stone flagging illuminating the soft veins of winding glass trapped deep inside it. Arora’s eyes swept over the scene momentarily distracting her from her mortal pain. A soft summer breeze blew in from the large ornate windows drawing her gaze upwards out to the grounds and the lake. She had never actually realised how lucky she was to be a witch and to have come to Hogwarts-and have any friends at all really.

It was funny how that was the only thing her eleven year old mind was afraid of. It wasn’t how her family would react or whether her grades could survive and not even pure elation. Just whether she could make friends in the wizarding world. A world she had no idea existed. The light brightened her dark green eyes and almost livened up her pale skin. Arora didn’t seem to be the ideal companion but the pale mask hid her beauty. One that could not be detected with a glance or a smile but with time.

That was the one thing she needed the most. Time. It was also the one thing she was wasting at the moment. Arora grasped the near by window and pulled herself upwards losing her balance at one point and falling heavily on the space of wall next to the window. Winded Arora tried her best to use her good leg to slide up the wall instead of down it and managed to get upright. Arora took a deep breath and took hold of the window. No one would know that she had cheated. So why shouldn’t she? It’s not like she can’t keep a worthless secret. Arora was intent on making it to the hospital wing on her own when she had sent off Sam but now she wasn’t all that sure.

The pain was just too much to bear and so Arora looked along the corridor and enchanted herself. The girl floated upwards as did her brightly striped hair giving her the illusion of flight. Arora carefully flicked her wand forwards and felt herself move forwards slightly. She was enjoying the sensation of the flight and couldn’t resist lying on her stomach while still afloat and out stretching a fist forwards.

Superwoman comes to the rescue!

Arora flicked her wand forwards and she flew away, speeding down the hallways and showing no signs of fear and grinning like a wild child. She sped past a few ghosts and relished the looks on their faces as she flew passed enjoying every minute of it. She flew passed an open doorway and realising that it was the hospital wing Arora got herself into a sitting position and then flicked her wand backwards stopping right before the Hospital Wings door. She set herself down and carefully got to her foot again. Arora stepped into the door as best as she could and was about to explain her problem when, “I want Penny!”

I looked into the room. Who would be screaming for someone called Penny? “Hello?” Arora called into the room and Madam Pomfrey appeared carrying a sort of doll in her arms. “Hold on dear!” she said and went to a bed that was sectioned off from the rest and I just stood there doing nothing. I couldn’t move, that’s for sure. Though I didn’t have to wait for too long, all the noise that was coming from behind the sectioning curtain had subsided and Madam Comfrey emerged from behind it.

“Yes, what is it?” “I...tripped....and I think I sprained my ankle.” Madam Pomfrey looked at me for a second and then she levitated me to a bed. I crossed my arms. I hated being levitated by any one but me but I wanted to get back onto the pitch soon so I put up with it. “Now let’s see...” She touched my ankle and pain shot through my leg to my knee and I winced. Madam Pomfrey looked up at just the right moment and then pulled out her wand, she tapped it lightly onto my ankle and I felt the pain go away. “There you go dear!” she said and got to her feet again.

“Madam Pomfrey?” “Yes?” “Who....who’s behind the curtain?” I knew that I probably shouldn’t ask and just go to the practice match but I couldn’t, I just needed to know.

Madam Pomfrey pursed her lips. “ Come with me.” She said suddenly to me and I got up on my perfectly fixed ankle and walked towards the curtain. Madam Pomfrey pulled the curtain back and behind it was a girl. When she saw me she snuggled up in her bed and hid beneath the covers. “It’s okay...” Madam Pomfrey cooed with surprising compassion and motioned for me to come closer, so I did. “She not nice!” the little girl said. She looked like she was about eleven and yet she spoke like a five year old. “Maybe you can help me,” Madam Pomfrey said quietly to me.

“I don’t quite know what did this and how I can cure it...and why I can’t seem to. When Sam brought her in....” Sam? As in the Welsh dude that she was friends with? He brought this kid in? “Arora?” “Huh? What? Sorry?” “Just keep a look out for me okay?” I nodded slightly while the eleven year old played peek-a-boo from behind the sheets. “Okay.” I said more confidently. This girl needed to have her life back and I was going to have to help the healer do that. Walking out of the hospital wing was sort of difficult and a relief at the same time, I wanted to stay and help the girl but I wanted to unload on the sky too.

************************************************** ********

I walked down the way I had come and went to the Quidditch pitch. I could see Sam flying higher than the walls of the pitch and speeding through the players and bludgers. That boy is skilled. It’s true, he really is but I could take him on...I think. Going down to the locker room I went to get my broom again from the shed, being more careful this time. I was so stupid to have half-ran down that slope with all those tree roots sticking out all over the place. I picked up my Nimbus carefully and went down to the pitch signalling to Angela Johnson, my captain, that I was back. She called a time out and pulled me in as a reserve for the game letting Katie rest a little bit.

I pushed off from the ground and rose up to the other chasers height and hovered there while Angelina got back up and Madam Hooch blew the whistle. Now it was time to fight. Sam flew passes me and was hot on his tail. I swooped under him and punched the quaffle out of his hands and grab it. I passes quickly as Sam tried to tackle me and I dodged it quickly there was no time to waste. I flew towards the front and Alicia threw the quaffle to me slipped. I raced towards the ground my hair flowing behind me and suddenly-

Chapter 6- The Match

“Dang.” Ari said as I tackled her. Laughing I passed the quaffle on and Ari sped out in front of me, her hair whipping around her even though it was tied back from her face. She’s just so....her. I sped up towards my team mate and he passed me the ball. Ari was trying to tackle me again so I ducked and sped of in the other direction. Player! I threw the ball to the other side of the stadium and another Ravenclaw player caught it. Not sure who cause one of the Griffindors crashed into me. “Hey! Sammy!” I looked around and there was my captain, flying above the game and pointing to another chaser.

I heard someone whistle and started flying to the Griffindor goal posts. Another whistle and I had the quaffle. There was a space right behind a chaser....shoot steady. I flew off in the other direction and then spun around a tried to shoot. “YaaaaaHOOOO!” Someone slapped me on the back and I smirked, what? I couldn’t help it! “Griffindor is in possession!” Ari. Great timing. “Yo! Ari!” Arora looked back at me. Perfect. “Ravenclaw in possession!” “What?!” Snooze you lose!

We scored again! “That was brilliant!” I screamed at the chaser and she smiled at me. “20-0 to Ravenclaw!” Lee Jordan I think his name was. He was practicing too, I guess. I saw one of our chasers with the quaffle again and flew beside her. Whistling was the trick and she passed to me as I was moving away. Whistle. I passed back to her as she rounded back on the Griffindor goal posts. She caught it and flew right at the posts and then passed to another one of our chasers at the last minute and flew right through the hoop. “Ravenclaw scores!” “Yes!” Ari was frowning. Still looked beautiful. Time to score again. I flew straight at the ball and felt someone behind me and I tried to go faster. I got the quaffle and flew straight upwards to avoid the wall.

WHAM! Ow. That must’ve hurt. The chaser behind me hadn’t seen the wall and flew straight into it. I had to keep flying, I whistled again and saw one of our chasers appear in the corner of my eye. I passed her the quaffle and flew on ahead. Forget about it! I can’t stop playing!

“30-0 to Ravenclaw!” Brilliant! Ari was in front of me now trying to tackle the girl I just passed to and it looked like she’d managed it. Ari was about to shoot! I flew straight at the hoops and tried to block her view, bobbing around to try and grab the quaffle back and not let her shoot at the same time. Ari flew down and I followed her and then, suddenly, she had the quaffle soaring through a hoop. “30-10 to Ravenclaw!” Ari grinned at me and flew off to get into formation for the next pass.

One of the Griffindors had the quaffle and she was speeding down the pitch. I had to get this one back on Ari so I went up to tackle her but one of my teammates got there first. She knocked the quaffle out of her hands and I rolled over and flew underneath to get the quaffle again. “Show off!” I smirked and rolled back into proper position and flew down the pitch passing to my right and then catching it again. I’m great right?

The goals were coming up; then Ari popped up out of nowhere and tried to grab the quaffle. I obviously swerved out of the way and tried to shoot as Ari tackled me and I scored again. “40-10 to Ravenclaw! Those two are making things happen out there! How’d you like my voice?” I smirked and Ari grinned. Lee was the best commentator in Hogwarts...takes your mind off the pressure a bit.

************************************************** ********

“Yes. Yes this is Lee Jordan!” The boy said into the magical megaphone. “That’s 40-10 to Ravenclaw for the professor! Oh! Sam’s got the quaffle now! Circling! Passing......caught. Chambers in possession! C’mon Angelina! Crush her! I! No! Professor I promise! Okay, Chambers passes to...Bradley! Gryffindor! C’mon! Ok! Ok! I got it now, Professor! Ahem, Chambers! Sam! Chambers! Shoots! Scores. 50-10 to Ravenclaw. C’mon Angelia! Ari! Alicia! Urm, okay, professor, I’ll be impartial. Go Sam! Chambers! Bradley! Happy, professor? Okay! Oh! Oh! Ari’s got the quaffle! Ari’s got the quaffle! Passes to Angelina! Alicia! Shoot! C’mon! She passes to Angelina again and.....she scores! Woohoo! Go Gryffindor!”

************************************************** ********

A breeze blew in shifting the position of the players slightly as the scoreboard glowed neon announcing Gryffindors' goal. “50-20 to Ravenclaw!” Lee Jordan said bouncing around in his seat jeering at the Ravenclaws to the displeasure of Professor McGonagall. The crowd was cheering, calling out Angelina’s name and the chasers were grinning at her widely. That was a big mistake. Ducking around the girls Sam picked up the quaffle and flew straight at the hoops.

Whistle....Bradley! He had caught it and was making an incredibly difficult shot. Ronald Weasley had come forwards in an attempt to grab the quaffle from the boys’ hands and instead Bradley had twisted upside down on his broom and made a perfect goal. “Oh wow! That was an amazing goal made by Bradley! 60-20 to Ravenclaw!” Lee Jordan said almost happily. Sam grinned at Arora as a wisp of the girl’s hair wandered across her face that was creased in concentration.

Sam gave his captain a thumbs-up. It was all he could do before Alicia Spinet sent him spinning around in circles as she dived for the quaffle. “C’mon Sam!” Another boy was flying past him, his name was Chambers and he was about Sam’s age. The Ravenclaw keeper blocked the hoops as best as he could but the blur of players were too fast for him to follow. The boy dived to the right and the quaffle soared through the left goal hoop. “60-30! Yes! Hahaha!” Lee Jordan was ecstatic in his chair ducking around Professor McGonagall. “We need the snitch.” Sam said to no one in particular.

A roar erupted from the stands as the seekers went into a dive and soon they were level. Chow Chang surged forwards as Ginny Weasley did the same. Their arms flying out to confuse the other as the crowd cheered in anticipation. They reached out and the crowd roared.

Chapter 7-The Celebration

“Yes!” I screamed applauding Harry. We had won! It was only a practice run but we had won! It felt great. After all that...Sam lost! The poor guy sweating through his robes and he didn’t get to win. The crowd was roaring and I really couldn’t believe it! The Ravenclaw seeker was kicking up dust and frowning. It had been her fault really and she knew it. It must have been hard for her.

“Teams shake hands!” Madam Hooch called as we landed, “Congratulations Gryffindor, and a wonderful game played by both sides!” She had said to the lot of us.

It had been tough. Harry just about saved it for us though. He was the best seeker Hogwarts had, we were pretty lucky.

I shook each of the players’ hands but when I came to Sam I couldn’t resist giving him a little punch. “Hey!” He said grinning. Then I went to the Gryffindor Common room to celebrate. Even a practice matches win is a good thing.

“Brilliant Ari!”
“Nicely done!”

It was almost like being famous. One of the reasons I had stayed on the team for so long. My robes were dragging on the ground but I didn’t care, although I needed to get my hair down. As I pulled it out of its bundle it kind of unfolded onto my shoulders with my green stripes in my eyes. I had to look cool.

I pushed through the portrait hole and a bunch of hands pulled me in. “Ari! That was brilliant mate!” I grinned. “You were great too, Weasley” I said back to him. The boys had gone all out. There were tankards of butter beer everywhere as well as some new Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes stuff and what looked like chocolate éclairs. Basically everything that made a party.

************************************************** ****************

Sam walked back to the locker room with a small smile on his face. She was too perfect. He walked into the room and was greeted by a hoard of unhappy, brooding faces. He knew what they were thinking about; they were wondering if it was their fault that Ravenclaw had lost. Or if not was thinking about how the catch was taken and if the Ravens could have won. It was all a matter of thought and for the Ravenclaw captain teamwork, speed and practice. It was going to be a long hard week, but not as hard for him as today would be for Ari. She had detention today with Flitch which meant she would be cleaning something. Earlier in the week the caretaker had told her to be in the dungeons at eight, he just hoped she wouldn’t forget.

Sam changed in silence as did the rest of the team and when he walked out of the changing room her felt slightly downhearted. Misery was infectious. He stopped by the lake on his way to the castle and sat down, then he stood up, he squatted picked up a flat rock and skipped it across the lakes surface. He liked to do that a lot; the giant squid didn’t seem to mind much so he skipped another. Sam sat down. He knew he had to tell her soon but he couldn’t find how, or when, even why and he was sure if he didn’t step up soon, she would be gone. He just needed a little push in the right direction and it was proving hard to find.

Sam’s thoughts turned to his first day at Hogwarts, the Welsh boy had just arrived at Hogsmede and the first thing he saw was Aurora. She had smiled at him before moving towards the carriages and when he motioned to do the same Rane turned up. “Hey wazzup?”

“What’s up?”
“The sky?”
Rane burst out laughing, frankly he wasn’t sure how this kid had survived the trip like that but no worries, he would take him under his wing.
“So what’s your name?”
“Sam. Yours?”
“Rane. C’mon we’ve gotta go down to the carriages.”
“Uh right, okay,” Sam had replied. He had no idea what was happening but he didn’t have much time to think about it before they had to pile into the carriages.

The present day Sam snorted unconsciously. He had been so different back then.
“What’s so funny?”
“Ari! What you doing here?” Perfect time to find him wasn’t it?
“Just thinking.” Arora sat down next to him and brought her legs up to her chest.
“Got tired of the party?”
“A lil bit. It was a bit over the top.”

“Oh.” Suddenly they heard a bell sound a tinkling chime and Sam looked at his watch. “Ari?”
“You’re supposed to be in detention in two minutes.”

Chapter 8- The Detention

Arora sprinted down the halls of the castle running to the dungeons at full speed.
Come on! Come on! Come on!
“Hey watch it!”

Arora crashed into the dungeon room with a clatter, panting like an animal, her voice echoed off the tall unfriendly walls bringing her attention to the figure in front of her.

“Thank you for joining us, Miss Aurora.”
Aurora cringed and sneered back at Professor Snape. “Us?” She asked Flitch glancing at Snape.

“The Professor has agreed to help me with your punishment.” Flitch said, “Rather hand you up by your legs from the roof like in the old days but good old Dumbledore disagrees.”

“Go Dumbledore,” Arora said under her breath.
“Well don’t just stand there! Flitch will lead you to your punishment, in the Forbidden forest.” Snape exaggerated these last few words but Arora wasn’t listening, rather like she did in Snape’s lessons. She thought that he simply wasn’t worth the time.

One thing she did catch however, was the fact that she wouldn’t be having detention with Snape. A smile spread over the girl’s face as she turned around and followed Flitch out of the door.

************************************************** ****************

“Still think it would do you better to be hanging from the roof,” Flitch said as they walked up the stairs, “builds character.” Flitch continued his rambling for several yards and after what seemed like forever Ari was exiting the castle and making her way to the forest with Flitch in tow.

“Oi! You’re going in there with Hagrid,” Flitch made a face, “and you’re going to be collecting Potions ingredients for Professor Snape.” Aurora grinned at the mention of Hagrid’s name but Flitch didn’t seem to like that very much. “And don’t think you’ll have it easy,” Flitch said leaning over Arora which forced her to lean backwards. Flitch shot her a smirk as he straightened up.

“HAGRID!” He called banging on the door to Hagrid’s hut.
“Keep y’er knickers on! I’m comin’!” Hagrid appeared from behind his pumpkin patch with a towel on his shoulder. “Now what can I do fer y’er?” He asked wiping off his hands.

Flitch scowled. “This one has detention,” he said jerking his head in the general direction of Arora.
Hagrid smiled down at Ari and said, “Well she’s in safe hands now, yer can go back up to the castle now.”

As Filch walked away muttering yet again, Hagrid beamed down at Arora and led her inside his hut.
“Y’er got y’erself in ter a bit of trouble y’er have Ari!” Hagrid said turning around. “Tea?”

Ari nodded slightly as the floor of the hut shook under Hagrid’s weight. She slipped on to a chair on the table, wondering what she might need to find in the forest when Hagrid turned around sharply and dropped a book the size of a small boulder in front of her.

“Well, y’er got to be learning that before y’er get to the forest,” Hagrid said turning back to his tea.
Ari’s mouth dropped open. She stared at the heavily bonded pages that sat before her and was speechless.
Hagrid placed down two gigantic mugs in front of them both and he took a seat before taking a long swig of tea.

Gapping in shock, Ari couldn’t help but say, “Hagrid! This is impossible! You can’t be serious!”
With that Hagrid smiled knowingly and said happily, “Open it.”
Ari peered at Hagrid curiously and opened the book, her eyes still examining the great bearded form before her.

Hagrid lowered his eyes to the text in front of her and Arora did the same. Spelled out clearly in front of her in simple letters was: A Dingbats Guide to Everything Plants. Ari almost fell out of her seat. She flipped to another page and read out to Hagrid in an incredulous voice, “The Semirianan Pod looks rather like a squished potato in a bottle?”
Hagrid chuckled at her disbelief. “Y’er better read that quick if you want ter be back at the castle before morning.”

Last edited by Obi-Wan K'Lari; 08-31-2007 at 03:46 PM. Reason: More chapters!
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