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Old 04-06-2004, 03:27 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
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No one is posting... oh well...


Hermione sighed. "Well, I sort of guessed that. He gave me an invitation to Hogsmeade and all... but I guess this really proves it."

The Brain nodded (or rather, just moved up and down a little). "So, do YOU like him?"

Hermione shook her head. "He's not a bad person or anything, but I'm already taken."

The Brain nodded. "Okay, so over the past few weeks, I've been gathering information for your topic. Hermione nodded. The Brain suddenly jumped up and dozens of papers flew out of the book's open spine and landed in a neat pile. Hermione picked up the papers and thanked The Brain.

"I'm going to keep you here a little longer in case I need some more information," Hermione informed him.

The Brain nodded and dissolved into the paper once more.

Hermione picked up the papers and began to read them.

The Sorting Hat chooses the house that the student will be in according to the properties of each house. Only the brave belong in Gryffindor, only the hard working belong in Hufflepuff, only the cunning belong in Slytherin, and only the smartest belong in Ravenclaw. The Sorting Hat looks deep into the student's mind and sees the very uttermost property that makes up the student. Then, the Sorting Hat will...

"Morning, 'Mione." said Ginny.

Hermione turned to her right. Ginny was standing there, looking curiously at the stack of papers.

"What are those papers for?" she asked.

Hermione stuck the papers in her bag. "Oh, just some stuff for Herbology," Hermione lied. She really was getting in a habit of lying these days.

Ginny nodded and she walked toward Hermione's bed. She stepped in the green slime, which hadn't disappeared with The Brain.

"Eww...GROSS!" Ginny squealed, grabbing her wand. She cleaned the slime up with a spell. She turned to Hermione, "What IS that stuff?"

"Potion gone horribly wrong," she said without missing a beat. She grabbed Ginny's sleeve. "Let's go to breakfast," she suggested, before Ginny could ask her anything.


How is that? I have a dentist appointment later, but I'll try to post this evening. Bye!

:sorcerer: *~*~Mesum~*~* :sorcerer:

P.S- Comments and constructive criticism appreciated.

~Une rose est beauté*-
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