Hello! I'm very bored so how 'bout another post for y'alls?
Hermione opened her eyes. She had cried all evening. She had heard Ginny come in and try to comfort her, but Hermione had just cried even louder. Eventually, Ginny had given up.
Hermione wiped her eyes. The small clock on her bedside read 4:03 A.M. Hermione hopped off the bed and grabbed The Brain. She sat cross-legged on her bed and cracked the spine. A huge Brain hopped out.
"It's about time. I thought Neville had returned me," it snapped.
"I'm sorry. I was so busy...wait, Neville?" Hermione was confused. Why was this brain thing talking about Neville?
The Brain sighed. "Neville Longhead or something. He opened me. He nearly screamed his head off, but when he finally calmed down, he practicly handed his heart to me!" The Brain oozed green slime all over the book.
Afraid that The Brain would drip slime over the bed, she snatched the book and plopped it on the floor. She sat on her bed and said, "What do you mean by that?"
If the Brain had any eyes, he would have rolled them. "Uh...Missy, it's kind of OBVIOUS!"
Now Hermione was even more confused. "Well...can you at least explain what you mean?"
The Brain spat slime all over the floor. Hermione was now glad that she had slime on the floor instead of on her bedsheets. The Brain began to speak. "He wanted advice, missy. Advice on how to get you to like him!"
I gotta go! More later!
__________________  [FODW] [STDTST] [FF] [X] ~Une rose est beauté*- |