Run, Emma, Run! I agree with everyone as well! I'm sorry if I sounded childish.
Okay...well here is the next chapter to Beautiful Liar! I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter 11:
“I’m going to ask one more time. What’s going on here?” Lupin asked.
“Professor it’s just that well…”
Hermione couldn’t think of an excuse but luckily Draco was there to save her.
“Sir it was just that Potter insulted Cho here and he had his wand out and well we thought Harry was going to attack her so then I stepped in and…”
“Mr.Malfoy stop. What exactly makes you think I am believing all of this?”
“Why wouldn’t you?” Draco snapped.
“Do you really want me to answer that?” Lupin said questioningly.
Draco looked down, “No sir”.
“Harry you tell me what happened”.
Hermione looked at Harry who just smiled and said,
“Draco was going to attack me just because I said he would hurt Hermione if Hermione started dating her. I was only thinking about Hermione’s safety but he decided to get all crazy”.
“Potter you are lying!”
Everyone turned to look at Draco thinking it had been him who yelled due to
the “Potter” in the sentence but then Hermione spoke again.
“You are such a liar!” Hermione snapped.
“Hermione calm down! Harry is you best friend. Why would you call him a liar?” Lupin asked.
“For once a Professor doesn’t have all the answers!” Hermione laughed. “Harry cheated on me not to long ago and you want to know with who?”
Hermione pointed at Ginny who jumped.
“Harry would never do anything like that!” Lupin said.
“Yes he would!” Hermione yelled.
“Listen Lupin! If you don’t believe Hermione what kind of professor are you? A stupid one just to let you know!” Draco yelled.
“Malfoy you just earned yourself a detention!”
“Just one!” Draco said.
“If you’re going to punish Draco you might as well punish me as well because I agree with him 100%!” Hermione said.
“Hermione are you feeling okay?” Lupin asked looking concerned.
“Yes” Hermione snapped.
“You might as well give me a detention too,” Ginny said.
“As well as me” Cho said stepping forward.
“Fine. All of you to Professor Snape’s office!” Lupin yelled.
Everyone headed for Snape’s office and Lupin walked away. But before
Hermione could leave Harry caught her by the arm.
“Hermione do you still wonder why I cheated on you?”
Hermione snorted, “No”.
“Well just to let you know I just got bored. You ended up just annoying me”.
Hermione was shocked and her eyes filled with tears.
“I hate you” Hermione whispered.
“It’s okay” Harry laughed.
Hermione tried to pull away but Harry kept a firm grip on her.
“I’m not done talking to you Granger”.
“Yes you are”.
Harry turned and saw Draco was standing right behind him.
“Oh Draco I’m scared now!” Harry laughed.
“You should be” Draco said.
Harry turned his back on Draco just to have Draco turn him back around and
hit him right in the face.
Harry fell to the floor with a blood poring from his nose.
“Let’s go” Draco said as he grabbed Hermione and ran.
Once outside Snape’s office door Hermione said, “Thank you Draco”.
Draco smiled, “Don’t mention it”.
Hermione then gave Draco a quick kiss on the cheek and entered Snape’s
office before Draco could say anything.
Tadaa! I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter!
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy! |