Cheesy Mac Kennedy entered the classroom quickly and quietly, giving Professor Maline a polite smile and nod as she did so. Kennedy was nervous but confident that she had studied as much as she possibly could have. She took a seat, picked up the provided quill and began reading the questions. Kennedy read each question several times before beginning to answer, just to be sure that she had read and understood the question correctly. She sailed through the first two questions with ease. When she got to the third question, she noticed it was worth more points than the others and that it specifically stated to go into detail. Kennedy tried to recall everything she could remember from that lesson and jotted down details furiously. Her quill was moving so quickly it would have looked like a blur to those around her. After answering the third question, Kennedy took a little break from writing by putting down the quill and stretching and massaging her hand. She rolled her neck, blinked her eyes a few times, took a couple deep breaths and then began the second half of the exam. She read over the questions again and reasoned that the rest shouldn't be too challenging. She worked intently to finish the exam in the amount of time givenand was relieved to see that she actually had extra time when she finished. She looked over her work several times, fixing an occasional spelling error and adding details that came to her while editing. When she was convinced that she could write no more, Kennedy handed in her final exam, walked out the door of the classroom, and headed up to the dormitory to study for her next final.
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