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Old 05-02-2007, 11:26 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Roma Galda
Sixth Year
Default Raider
Bassoons galore!

Alright kiddos, I'm here with History of Magic professor, Anjelica Lainey, who is here to talk about the first Inter-House Tournament held at Hogwarts a few years ago.

Tell me Professor, what was your role in the last Inter-House Tournament?
Oh my. Well, it was either my first year at Hogwarts or my second. I really didn't have much of a role at all to start. But, in a strange turn of events and some mishaps with some other professors, Rae asked me to fill in and do the second event!

Well that must have been an interesting responsibility to have so unexpectedly. What did you do?
It was interesting alright. But, thinking quick on my feet is something that the Auror training has helped out tremendously with. In short, I talked the Squid in the Lake into swallowing a stone. He was willing enough to help me out. The students task was to retrieve the stone, without harming the Squid.

Oh wow. Thats sounds dangerous! Were there any mishaps?
There were a few close calls, I'll say. But the students really, really pulled it off nicely. Every student completed the task and the Squid, though tired of swallowing a stone, was never harmed.

Do you remember who some of the champions were?
The two that stick out in my mind the most were Nick and Nadia, two very bright Slytherin students that really sailed through my obstacle.

Ah my old house, of course they sailed right through. *grin*
Those Slytherins are a quick witted group, I have to admit.

Of course they are. They have me dont they? *cheeky grin* Alright, one more question before I let you get back to your work. What do you and the staff look for in a champion?
Oh that's an easy one. The champions are usually, and should be, the leaders of the school. They should be the ones that are great role-models for our younger students; the students that aren't caught in detention every other week. We look for students that are bold and courageous, yet humble and kind too. It seems like a lot, but there are so many students right here at Hogwarts that already fill those shoes.

Thank you very much Professor Lainey. I'll just hop on back to my office now. See you in the staff room!
Anytime, Professor.

Well now that we've heard from our dear Professor Lainey, lets look at this from a different point of view, the champion's. I searched far and wide for many weeks... ok really I just sent her an owl, but at long last I located Miss Nabiya MacPherson, one of the Hufflepuff champions of the first Inter-House Tournament.

What did you do after graduating Hogwarts? (Job etc.)
I joined the French Ministry of Magic, and now and Junior Minster of the Department of Magical International Co-operation *politicians smile*

Well, that must be quite... fun? *cough* What was your reaction when you were made a champion?
Quite shocked, actually. That was the first of my many activities during my days at Hogwarts, and considering I was only thirteen, it was a huge shocker!

Thirteen! Wow, well I guess that give the younger students some hope then. What was your favorite task in the tournament?
Oh, definitely the second...or was it the third? Well, it had a troll and a boggart and we were stuck in this tiny room. But...yeah, I don't really know how I found that enjoyable, it was smelly.

Did the Inter-house Tournament teach you anything? taught me the importance of unity not only between house mates, but also between the entire student body. I would never have been able to do some of those things if I hadn't watched the seniors closely.

House unity, a few of our students could do with that point of view. Did you get along with the other champions in the school, or did you not know them well?
I knew one, she was a Hufflepuff with me...but later she kind of...just dissapeared. Although now that I think of it, she must have transferred (ooc: Amberlina!).

And last but not least, how did you do in the last tournament?
Quite horridly, truth be told. Those tourneys are difficult, and the professors just spring things at you! Quoting a wise, wise man...CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

Constant vigilance, a good piece of advice. So now you know of the Inter-House Tournament, will it be the same as before? Will it be completly different? I cant say, well actually I could, but I dont want to, the suspense will do you good. Until next time, this is Transfiguration Professor Danni S. Pride saying goodbye and pleasent sailing!
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