Run, Emma, Run! Okay all my wonderful readers! Here is the next two chapters to Beautiful Liar! I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 7:
Hermione and Ginny arrived at the Gryffindor Common Room. Both girls were
talking and laughing just as before and they had become closer than ever.
“So…” Ginny said as she sat down “What are we going to do to get Harry
“Get him back? What do you mean?” Hermione said confused.
“Well we’re not going to let him get away with all of this are we?”
“I don’t know Gin. I mean what he did was wrong but…”
“Okay Ginny! What do you want to do?”
“Throw him into the lake and see if he can swim his way out like he did during
the Triwizard Tournament?”
Hermione shook her head. “He’s a good swimmer. He’ll live”.
Ginny laughed. “What do you want to do?”
“I was thinking that maybe we could make his life a living nightmare”.
“I’ll plan something out don’t worry” Hermione said smiling.
A few days later…
“And there goes Harry everyone! Looks like he spotted the snitch! Or maybe
he’s just saw another girl he wants to play around with…” Cho Chang said
into the speaker as Harry dived for the tiny golden ball.
“Miss Chang if you want to comment on Potter’s relationships do it else
where!” Professor McGonagall yelled.
“Sorry Professor…oh look at that!”
Harry had just fallen off his broom. But not because he had an accident like
all the other times…
In the stands Hermione and Ginny laughed as Hermione put her wand away.
Hermione had made Harry’s broom swerve out of control.
Cho joined the two girls after the game, which Slytherin won because Harry,
thanks to Hermione, had lost the snitch.
“Hermione stop! You going to hurt the broom!” Cho said laughing.
“You’re right! Sorry broom!” Hermione yelled as Ginny and Cho laughed.
Hermione and Ginny had contacted Cho to come back to Hogwarts because
they thought that she would useful in their plans to destroy Harry. And so far
she wasn’t doing such a bad job.
That night in the Common Room…
“Cho you have too!” Ginny argued.
“I said I would help you two destroy his life not that I would go out with
“Cho but we need you to go out with him so our plan will work!” Hermione
“What exactly is your plan?” Cho questioned.
“We…Hermione what is our plan?” Ginny said.
Hermione smiled.
“We are going to give him a taste of his own medicine. Cho will go out with
him and he will fall madly in love with her and then Cho will simply cheat on
him like he did to us”.
“I have to cheat on him?” Cho said shocked.
“But with who?”
“That’s where I come in,” said a voice behind Cho.
Okay... should I give you all the next chapter or should I leave you all here with this evil cliffie?...Okay I'm not that evil! Here's the next chapter!
Chapter 8:
Cho turned around and saw Draco Malfoy standing right behind her. “Draco?!” Cho said as she turned to Hermione.
“Yes. One thing that Harry would hate most of all would be losing his
girlfriend to his enemy.”
Cho looked back at Draco.
“Well he’s better looking than Potter”.
Ginny broke into a fit of giggles and left to her room.
“Okay then lets plan this whole thing out…” Hermione said.
Draco sat closely to Cho and when Cho tried to move away he said, “Your
going to have to kiss me later so you might as well get comfortable sitting
next to me”.
Cho smirked at Draco and rolled her eyes as she got close to Draco again.
Hermione felt a sudden burst of jealousy when she saw Cho and Draco
practically flirting. Hermione was in shock. Her? Feel jealous of Cho because
she was next to Draco? “Ha! Please” Hermione thought to herself.
“Okay you two…Cho tomorrow you will start flirting with Harry and stuff and
soon, being the marshmellow that he is, he will ask you out. You then go out
with him for about what? 3 to 4 weeks? And then that’s when Draco comes in
and Ginny and I will make sure Harry catches you two kissing and yeah. Harry
will feel miserable and hopefully he will snuff it!”
“Hermione!” Cho said.
“I’m kidding!”
Just then Ginny returned from her room and said, “So where were we?”
“WE were just finishing discussing the plan. YOU were laughing you head off”
Hermione said smiling.
Ginny blushed.
“Okay then…” Hermione said as she got up, “our plan will start tomorrow.
Good night everyone!”
There you all go! Two chapters! I hope you all enjoyed them!
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy! |