Hello! I have some time (finally) so I will write a really long post...
Hermione had isolated herself in her four poster bed, curtains drawn till Ginny could coax her out by helping her prepare for her trip to Hogsmeade wtih Joey. The two girls sat on the floor, chatting about their upcoming dates. Hermione forgot all about her homework, and even The Brain, which was now acting as a dust collector under her bed.
That morning, Hermione just couldn't compose herself. She was up at four in the morning, and couldn't go back to sleep. Eventually, she threw herself out of bed and decided to use this time to get some work done. She threw her fuzzy blue bathrobe over her long, white lacy nightgown, just like the girl in The Nutcracker wore. Then she headed down to the Common Room, arms full of books and papers.
Hermione worked on her homework till almost eight. She was packing up when Ginny came downstairs in her mint green bathrobe, yawning. She had fuzzy green slippers on her feet, not bunny slippers like Ron.
"Morning Hermione," said Ginny with a yawn. "I woke up about ten minutes ago, but I couldn't find you untill I heard the quill scratching down here." Hermione grabbed some books and followed Ginny into the dormitory. The two girls put on their robes and headed downstairs.
"Hermione, the Great Hall is that way," Ginny said pointing in the opposite direction that Hermione was running.
"I know!" called Hermione. "But I have to return some books in the library! I'll meet you there!" Ginny waved and ran toward the Great Hall. Hermione was waving back and she didnt' realized that Professor Snape was heading in the exact same direction...
Hermione lay in a heap on the floor, books askew, with Snape standing and looking at her with disgust.
"Miss Granger, I presume that six years ago, you were told that running in the halls is not permitted at Hogwarts. I hope that from now on you will watch where you walk, and to pay attention. Ten points from Gryffindor." Snape stepped over Hermione and stepped onto her Herbology essay. Unfortunatly, he slipped and fell on the ground, Hermione's essay crumpled and torn. Several third year Hufflepuffs giggled at the sight. Snape flounced up.
"TEN POINTS FROM HUFFLEPUFF!" Snape yelled. The two girls ran out of the hall. Snape turned to Hermione, red in the face. "TWENTY POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR, MISS GRANGER! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I MAKE IT FIFTY!"
Hermione snatched her books and papers, including her ruined essay. She ran down the hall, tears leaking out of her eyes. She ran to the library, wiping her eyelids. She ran up to the front desk and stacked her books on the table. She headed toward the door.
"Excuse me, Miss Granger," said the librarian.
Hermione flipped around and stood at the front desk.
"It appears to be that you still have one book out. The Brain or something. It would be in your best intrest to return it very soon."
Hermione gasped. "Oh my goodness, I'm frightfully sorry. Does someone want this book?"
The librarian smiled and simpily said that no one currently wanted this book, and if she was not done with it, she could keep it for a few more days. Hermione politly thanked her and rushed out of the library. After her date wtih Joey, she had to check The Brain. It had been a week, she wondered what would happen...
Hope that'll keep you busy for a day or two! Bye!
__________________  [FODW] [STDTST] [FF] [X] ~Une rose est beauté*- |