Three is all you need - Sa13+ Runs With Vampires
Late one night in the TP, I got bored and decided to write a fanfic. My short attention span limited me to three sentences. My captive audience said nice things about my mini fanfics so I decided to make a thread following this theme.
Tonight's stories...
The Plotless Wonder "WHAT?" Ginny shouted into the phone again.
"Honestly woman, turn your volume down. It's a cellphone, not a megaphone" came the voice down the line.
"Sorry Harry" Ginny said.
Plotbunnies are not made of chocolate The door opened.
"What do you think, Hermione?"
"Change your hair BACK to it's natural colour Ronald. Now"
Even Dark Lords need Love "And what did you say your name was?" Voldemort asked.
"Delores Umbridge, my lord" she replied, batting her eyelashes and trying to look as sultry as possible.
"Avada Kedavra" Plot holes let the breeze in Snape did a final twirl, his bathrobe flying out to the sides revealing his purple polka dot pyjamas, his slippered feet gliding across the dungeon floor.
The door to his office opened.
"Good evening, Professor Lockhart" Snape said with a start. My Plot ate your plot for breakfast The Death Eaters and Order of the Phoenix stood on opposite sides of the room.
Snape stood in the center.
"Is this really about who is right, or is everyone just a little on edge because they're hungry? he said. Disclaimer... yes, i stole this from a snickers ad.
athousandpieces on Tumblr : TPer for Life! : DFTBA |