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Old 04-21-2007, 01:35 PM
EmmaRiddle EmmaRiddle is offline
Post Low quality OotP International trailer & transcript

A low quality version of the Order of the Phoenix International trailer has leaked online.

Below is a transcript of what happens in the trailer;

Harry & co flying on the Thestrals toward Hogwarts.

Umbridge hexing apart two kids who are snogging on a bench. She continues to hex students as she walks down the corridor.

Snape whacks Ron across the back of the head. Harry laughs.

Umbridge (talking to McGonagall): "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared."

Fred and George fly through the Great Hall on their broomsticks. Loads of students run out into the courtyard. Fireworks are seen going off in the Great Hall.

Umbridge stood at the front of the DADA classroom.

Umbridge voiceover: "You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again."

Harry walking down platform 9 and 3/4 sees Voldemort in a sharp black suit.

Voldemort: "Harry."

Harry, Ron and Hermione running down a hill at Hogwarts.

Umbridge (back in the DADA classroom): "This is a lie." She's looking at Harry who shakes his head.

Harry: "It's not a lie! I saw it!"

Dumbledore in the court room, talking to Fudge.

Dumbledore: "Minister, the Dark Lord's return is incontrovertible."

Fudge: "He's not back!"

Filch fixes another one of Umbridge's decrees to a wall.

Voiceover: "Dolores Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts.

Harry, Ron and Hermione walk forward, shocked.

Harry slams his arms into a wall in anger.

Umbridge giggles.

Harry, Ron and Hermione in the forest.

Ron: "Blimey."

Lightening flashes, Azkaban is below. Bella emerges.

Bella: "The Dark Lord approaches."

Sirius: "He wants to build up his army again."

Harry, Ron and Hermione in the forest with the centaurs.

Harry at the Burrow.

Harry: "If Voldemort's building up an army then I want to fight."

Harry throws something out of a window.

The decrees smash.

Sirius talking to Harry: "It's your turn now."

The Order fly over the Thames on their brooms.

Ron, in the common room: "We're forming some sort of wizard army?"

Harry, talking to the DA in the Room of Requirement: "If they can do it, why not us?"

Luna produces a patronus.

A banner of Fudge, Harry looks up at it.

Umbridge: "I will have order!"

More shots of the Order flying over the Thames.

Hagrid: "The Ministry's gunna have a full uprising on their hands."

Harry flies toward the screen.

Hermione (walking along the bridge with Harry, Ron, Neville & Ginny): "It's exciting isn't it, breaking the rules."

Ron: "Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?"

Dumbledore in his office with Fawkes glowing above him.

A shot of the Ministry.

Voldemort, then Harry, then Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: "Stop fighting Harry, you can't win."

A death eater appears, Voldemort fires a spell.

The DA run through the Ministry.

Hermione hugs Harry.

Shot of a Thestral.

Harry: "Look at me!"

Voldemort touching his head.

A student gets hexed backward.

Voldemort: "You will lose everything."

Shot of Harry.

Umbridge, Cho, Filch and the Slytherins.

Fred and George fly past Umbridge.

Lupin holds back Harry, who is screaming.

Bella casts a spell.

Harry fires a spell.

Dumbledore reaches out.

Harry and Cho kiss.

Harry fires Expelliarmus at Voldemort.

Voldemort screams.
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