thankyou again for comments people, here is the next post that will surprise you all I promise! and possibly make some of you hate me... or yell
"oh my god no she didn't! You can't do that I mean... Oh my god! She's mad! You just can't do that it's important! That's just not what you do! Honestly I'm never reading this fanfic again!"
but I couldn't resist doing something no one else had done! and I shall explain afterwards...
Ginny was downstairs worrying. Harry had been looking very anxious for quite a while before retreating up to his bedroom. Was he ok? Had she done something? Was he about to do something that scared him? She plucked up the courage to go and see what was wrong when she saw Lupin come down the stairs, followed by a nervous looking Harry. There was something different about him. He was still as gorgeous as usual but he seemed to be (if possible) even more attractive. Then it hit her. His glasses were gone.
First things first, I am not saying glasses make you ugly, I'm saying Daniel Radcliffe looks better without them! Which is true... I don't hate people with glasses or anything silly like that, coz I wear them at school (short sighted

) But mainly, Dan R looks better without so I decided to be daring... *mwahaha* please don't hate me! *runs to hides and prepares for stampede*