Thread: Harry Potter: Beautiful Liar - Sa13+
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Old 04-18-2007, 11:17 PM   #46 (permalink)
Come What May
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jacqueline Marie Granger
Sixth Year
Run, Emma, Run!

Originally Posted by HARRY LOVER#1 =) View Post
Hi Im a new reader.I really like this story so far.Bad boy Harry for cheating on Hermione and Ginny!!! I hope that they find out before it gets to far into their relationships!
P.S i really like Beautiful Liar it has a really catchy tune and it tottaly makes sense!!
Yes Harry is a bad boy! LOL! But will Hermione and Ginny find out soon enough?? You'll have to wait and see!!!

Originally Posted by MalfoyzBeloved View Post
Exactly Like, with Draco and Hermione, there are millions of ways to get them to hook up and stuff, while with H/G and R/Hr they already know each other, all you need to do is like, make Ron kiss Hermione and suddenly BAM! They're boyfriend and girlfriend.
With Draco and Hermione, they could be... as commonly used, Head Students having to work together, doing an assignment together forcibly, masked ball, etc.
You get to broaden your imagination with D/Hr and D/G and H/Hr and stuff compared to a whole double-wedding-after-killing-Voldemort story...

Actually that was my idea for an H/G... 0_o
Having Ginny be captured by Voldemort and Harry has to find her before she gets killed... (very creative, eh?). And my R/Hr idea was using the song The Kill and using it in a way that makes it so Ron loves Hermione and he's doing everything he can for her to notice him but in the end she breaks his heart... (that was a one-shot idea, haven't bothered to try, I tried a D/Hr with that but bleh, didn't work)

Harry is FINALLY being a good boy now, is he?
Exactly! You could broden your imagination! And as for the H/G story line... it was in the 2nd book. Ginny got captured by Voldemort and Harry saved her...and Ginny did have a crush on Harry, but then again,Harry didn't like her...who knows! All I know is that with D/H ships and H/H ships you could use your imagination more!
And yes... Harry decided to behave but not with Hermione and Ginny...

Originally Posted by MUSTANG SALLY View Post
New reader! Harry is a bad boy *shakes finger at him*
Like your story. post more soon!

I be Steph!!!
Welcome Steph!!!!!! I'm always happy to get new readers! It makes me feel happy!! And yes, Harry is a bad boy! And I'm glad you like my story!

Okay my loyal readers! I promised you all a post and a post is what you all are going to get! it is!

Chapter 3:
Hermione and Ginny walked down to breakfast the next morning together.

“Hermione I can’t hold it in any longer” Ginny said as they descended the


“Hold what in?” Hermione asked.

“I have to tell someone who I am crazy about”.

“Oh Ginny! Finally! Well who is it?”


Ginny stopped talking. Someone bumped into her and made her drop her


“Watch it Weasley! God now I have blood traitor germs on me!” Draco Malfoy


“Why don’t you watch it Malfoy! And these…” Ginny said pointing to her

robes “are brand new! Now I have to burn them!”

Hermione laughed at Ginny’s comeback.

Draco turned to Hermione. “What are you laughing at mudblood?”

“At your horrible Death Eater face!” Hermione snapped.

Draco smirked at Hermione and said, “My horrible Death Eater face is going to

look pretty good when you realize what kind of face your boyfriend has”.

“What is that suppose to mean?” Hermione snapped.

“He may look sweet and innocent but he is not just to let you know”.

“Malfoy want in the world are you…”

Draco walked away laughing.

Hermione watched Draco until he was out of site.

“What was he talking about?” Hermione thought. Just then Ginny hit her on

the arm.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“How come Malfoy knows who you are dating and not me?!” Ginny yelled.

“Gin shut up! Remember I don’t know who you are dating either!” Hermione

yelled back.

“Oh yeah. Well fine I’ll tell you… I am dating the one and only…”

“Don’t touch me you idiot!” yelled a voice.

A girl of about twelve was yelling at a boy. She took out her want and

yelled “Expelliarmus!”

The boy was thrown back and he hit the floor.

“Ginny I have to go” Hermione said and she ran off.

“Hey! No fighting in the hall!” Hermione yelled.

“Stay out of it!” The second year yelled.

“I am Head Girl damn it! So I will meddle in anything that I want too! You are

going to Professor McGonagalls!”

Hermione grabbed the second year by the arm and dragged her away.

Ginny laughed, Hermione and her Head Girl duties.

“What’s going on?” asked a voice.

Ginny turned… it was Harry.

“Hey sweetie!” Ginny said and she walked up to Harry and kissed him.

Everything would have been fine if Harry had not decided to deepen the kiss

at that moment. The conflict that followed after would not have occurred.

Hermione had just returned from leaving the little brat of a second year at

McGonagalls office. She arrived just in time to see Harry deepen the kiss

Ginny has started.

Hermione stopped in her tracks and stood there, unable to move.

Harry pulled away from Ginny and looked up. He saw Hermione. His face

paled. Ginny turned towards the direction Harry was looking in and saw

Hermione as well.

“Hermione! This is who I am dating!! Harry!”

Hermione ignored Ginny and stared back at Harry and the anger and sorrow

that had erupted inside her grew until she could no longer hold it inside and

she burst into tears.

“I hate you Harry! How could you do this! And you!” Hermione said pointing

at Ginny “You little B****! How could you! You knew perfectly well!

Ginny let go of Harry and looked at Hermione.

“Hermione what are you talking about!?” Ginny asked.

Hermione ignored Ginny and walked past her to slap Harry.

“Stay away from me!” Hermione yelled and she ran. She ran out of the

castle, past the lake, and past Hagrid’s hut. Hermione ran into the Forbidden

Forest where she knew no one would find her.

Hermione sat down at the bottom of a tree and sobbed. Back at the castle

the bell rang to signal that breakfast was over.

Back at the castle…

“Harry what was that about?” Ginny asked as everyone who had stopped to

stare and watch Hermione go ballistic walked away.

“I…it’s just that I had promised her something and I didn’t keep my promise

that’s all” Harry stammered.

“Oh… well then why was she yelling at me?” Ginny said

“Because you… I don’t know!” Harry snapped.

“Oh whatever. I’ll talk to her later. Let’s get to class.”

“No…I think I’m going to go apologize to Hermione…”

“Harry do you know where exactly she runs to when she has problems?”

Ginny snapped.

“No but…”

“Let’s go!” Ginny said and she grabbed Harry by the arm and led him to DADA


In the forest…

“I told you so” said a voice behind a sobbing Hermione.

Hermione turned, and right there leaning on a tree was Draco Malfoy.

“Told me what?!” Hermione snapped.

“That your boyfriend was a liar” Draco grinned.

“Wipe that stupid grin off your face before I do it for you Malfoy! And leave

me alone!” Hermione cried.

Draco didn’t leave.

“Listen Granger…I mean Hermione. I’m sorry but you had to know the truth

one day!”

“I told you to leave!”

“Aren’t you going to go to class?”

“School isn’t important to me right now! Nothing is important anymore!!!

Leave me alone!”

Draco sighed and left Hermione.

Hermione felt stupid after Draco had left. Why was she acting like a child?

Hermione searched her pockets for her ipod and she searched for her favorite

song. Hermione listened to the song but only certain words out of the entire

song stuck out to her…

…I walked in on your love scene…
…Just a beautiful liar…

“He’s nothing but a liar! And Ginny! God Ginny! You knew I was dating him!!!!”

Hermione yelled.

After she calmed down Hermione whined, “And Draco was right! His stupid

Death Eater face does look good now that I know Harry is a two timing little …


There you all go! I hope you enjoy it!


A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!

Last edited by Come What May; 04-18-2007 at 11:50 PM.
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