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Old 04-16-2007, 12:09 AM   #11 (permalink)
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49. Yule Ball

"How do they do it?" Harry heard Ron mutter one night in the common room. Harry followed Ron's gaze and saw him looking at some boys asking some girls out. Harry laughed and bent down to his homework. Ron turned back around to Harry.
"Well, how do they do it?" He asked.
"Ron, if we knew that we would have asked people to the Yule Ball ages ago!" Harry said.
"And as we don't, we haven't." Ron sighed. "Even Hermione has a date!" Ron said.
"Why did they have to schedule ANOTHER Yule Ball?" Harry asked. "Shall we try Parvati and Padma again?"
"Yep." Ron agreed.
Not many days now!!!
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!
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