The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas. "The thumb, Rhea, is above the mount of Venus. The index finger, ruled by Jupiter, is above the mount of Jupiter. The middle finger, ruled by Saturn, is above the mount of Saturn. The ring finger, ruled by Apollo/the Sun God, is above the mount of Apollo. The pinky finger, ruled by Mercury, is above the mount of Mercury. Upper Mars mount is located beneath the mount of Jupiter, the plain of Mars is located in the center of the palm (beneath the mount of Saturn), and lower Mars mount is located beneath the mounts of Apollo and Mercury. Earth mount is located on the fleshy mount created on the back side of the hand when the thumb and index finger are pushed against each other. The mount of Luna is located on the lower part of the palm directly below the lower plain of Mars." Ariana replied, trying very hard to keep her temper down.
She began taking deeep breaths, looking at the two professors, as if pleading with them to kick the two students out so she could actually learn something other than goofing off in class.
__________________ Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!!
Last edited by Golden Monkey; 04-14-2007 at 06:07 PM.
Reason: spelling mistake