Thread: Harry Potter: A Rivalry Untrue - Sa13+
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Old 03-28-2004, 03:40 AM   #18 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Posts: 56

I know its getting complicated but don't worry things are going to get better trust me!

That night, Dimitri didn't sleep at all. He lay there in his bed staring up at the cieling with his soft green eyes and had a hand on his stomach. he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Thinking about the scene he had seen over and over again made him angrier and angrier every time. He wiped a few angry tears away, put his cloak on, and left the ravenclaw dorms.

He walked down the hall slowly and quietly. He repeated the scene in his head and just clenched his eyes shut till he reached the library. Once in the doorway he stopped, there was sky, she looked like she was about to leave but she stopped and stared at him. "I thought you would be coming down here." she said quietly and he turned to leave. "WAIT!"

he stopped and turned around. "I want to say...I'm sorry. I didn't even WANT him to kiss me-" "He kissed YOU?" he said putting his hands in his pockets and staring at her unblinkingly in the torch light. She nodded. "I don't know why he did it but I don't care because I don't feel for him like that. I only love one person in this school and it will NEVER be Draco Malfoy."

He smiled and faced her. "And who would that be?" he started walking slowly towards her. "His name is Dimitri Matthew Smalls." she said. "Tell me about him." he whispered getting right in front of her. "He's the most wonderfully sweet boy in the world. I thought we hated each other but somewhere along the way we fell in love." He put his arms around her and smiled. "Sounds kind of like a fairy tale to me."

she giggled and looked into his eyes putting her arms around his neck. "Why so?" she asked him, "Because I'm about to dance with a fairy." he said and he took out his wand and with a flick, some romantic music began to play and they slowly began to dance around the library. When one song ended they looked deeply into each other's eyes and kissed one another softly for what seemed like an eternity.

The End

So you see? It all works out. I really hope you enjoyed my fan fiction. I will be writing another one as soon as i get another idea. I should have one pretty soon. I'll definately post when i have one. Once again thanks for reading. LUV U ALL!
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