YAY!!! A new post!!! IT was asome. For a moment I forgot that the blue writing ment he was remembering but them i remembered and i got it. THanks for the chiken soup

it made me feel all better. It ended up to be only a throat infection instead of strep. Im still on medication but I feel so much better. Im on spring break right now, right now

But I still had to go to practice at 9 o'clock in the morning. But then again I didnt really mind since I couldnt swim for three whole days because of my pink eye(s). Practice was pretty tough today. So im a little tired.

Anywayz great post! And I hope you still had fun on your vacation (even though you had no internet connecion) PAMS!PAMS!PAMS!PAMS!PAMS!PAMS!PAMS!PAMS!PAMS!PAMS!