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Old 04-07-2007, 12:23 PM   #184 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Rhode Island, USA
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sloane W. Fordyce
First Year
Cheesy Mac

Originally Posted by Dainsie View Post
"I do have a job that requires a little bit of time. Out back there is a patch of ground that has been all dug up. The two nifflers over there really need to go out for some exercise and fun. There's a bucket in the stooreroom full of fake gold and jewels, just take them out first and sprinkle them around and rake them in. You might also use a charm to push them deeper underground. Then take 'em out and let 'em go! Think you could do that?"
"Absolutely! I'll get right to it." With a smile, Kennedy walked to the storeroom and obtained a rake and the bucket with the fake gold and jewels. She then exited the hospital through the back entrance and approached the freshly dug area of ground. Right in the center, Kennedy dumped the entire bucket of fake jewels and gold and then stepped away. She then removed her wand from the inside of her robes, pointed it at an individual jewel and cast "Locomotor fake garnet!" The jewel followed the direction of Kennedy's wand tip as she thought about where to place it. Finally she decided on a place, lowered the jewel to the ground and then cast a Banishing Charm. Kennedy hoped that by casting it strongly with a lot of force, that she could send the garnet-imposter away from herself and into the ground to whatever level she desired. She wasn't sure if it would work, so she tried it and sure enough, it did! Kennedy repeated this process several times until all the fake jewel and all but one piece of fake gold were buried in various locations throughout the patch of loose dirt. Kennedy raked over the area in order to make it appear as if there was nothing abnormal about it. She then took the final piece of gold, a 20inch gold link chain (0 Karat gold of course ) and laid it right on top for the nifflers to see. She hoped they would get excited by it laying right out in the open and then get to work!

Kennedy rested the rake up against a tree and re-entered the hospital through the back door. She obtained the two nifflers, one tucked under each arm, and brought them to the patch outside. As soon as the one on the left saw the glitter of the gold chain, he jumped out of Kennedy's arm and ran as fast as his little body could go until he reached the chain. Spotting what the other niffler had done, the one on the right leapt out as well and began digging nearby the first. The two nifflers continued on like this for quite a while and when the pile of jewels and gold that they collected filled the original bucket, the two nifflers seemed to slow down a bit. When they were done, they plopped down on the ground nearby the bucket of jewels and dozed off to sleep! Convinced that they were done exercising, Kennedy picked up each niffler and tucked one under one arm and the other under her opposite arm and entered the hospital again. Returning them to their cage, Kennedy went back out to obtain the bucket and pick up any strewn about jewels. To make sure that the nifflers found each piece, Kennedy performed a summoning charm to try to lift any possible remaining pieces from the dirt. When nothing arose from the ground, Kennedy thought 'OK, either they got them all, which is pretty likely, or my charm isn't strong enough. I guess I should test this out just in case.' Kennedy then took the very same garnet she had cast into the ground earlier and repeated the Banishing charm. She then stood back a ways and cast the Summoning Charm to test the strength of her spell. Immediately, the garnet rose through the loose dirt and floated above the ground. Convinced there weren't any pieces of fake jewelry left in the ground, Kennedy placed the garnet in the bucket, picked the bucket up with one hand, grabbed the rake with the other, and entered the hospital. After returning the items to the storeroom, Kennedy glanced down at her watch and realized she had been out there for almost 2 hours! She hadn't realized how fast time had passed but smiled when she thought back to how much fun it was to watch the nifflers dig like mad to find their buried treasure.

She approached Professor Dainsie and informed her, "The nifflers have gotten plenty of exercise. In fact, they were so exhausted from all their digging that they fell asleep! I put them back in their cages and brought the rake and bucket of jewels back into the storeroom. I hadn't realized how long I was out there but it was great! Thanks a lot. I still have about 45 minutes before I need to be anywhere. Would you like any help with something else?"
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