As the bell for the last period rang, an immediate upsurge of noise in the corridor was but natural. Lily Asaif scanned the grounds for her best friend, but was surprised to see that, for the first time since they had become best friends, Kashan was not there. This, little piece of information did not fail to stun her for a moment; then she shrugged.
Where the heck is that girl? She thought quietly to herself. An eyebrow raised, she let the crowd of students push her along, her eyes never resting for a moment.
Lily Asaif had a very, very bad felling about this, indeed.
Kashan was not being overly dramatic; really. She was just looking for a bit of fun. Leaning against the wall which not many students passed by at this time of the day – right after school ended – she crossed her arms against her chest. Rahwer, that hot Indian guy from fifth year, walked past. And then . . .
Kashan stood up straighter. Tanzeel. For the first time, she was at her leisure to inspect what he really looked like. His shock of deep, black hair fell into two, fathomless, brown eyes that, at that very moment, did not look too pleased at the prospect of walking home in the sweltering weather. In fact, he was scowling. She could tell that David, his best friend, was bravely trying to divert his attention to something brighter, but the guy did not look too interested.
It surprised her how much handsomer her looked than when she had first seen him. Or, wait, was it just her? The thought crossed her mind for the first time, but she immediately pushed it to the back of her mind.
No way, she told herself. I can’t be falling for that big-headed git.
Brats could be handsome, right?
And she was not. She was sure of it. But, it was only after she had watched his figure disappear in the distance that Kashan suddenly realized that she had not carried out what she had been standing here for the past quarter of an hour for – She had planned to trip him, and then rush up to ask him if he had hurt himself. She had been planning to annoy him.
And seeing him had driven that clean out of her mind.