Thread: Harry Potter: Hermione's Challenge - Sa13+
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Old 04-05-2007, 04:09 PM   #234 (permalink)
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Sorry I have been away for so long!!!! Lot's happening right now!
Hermione spent the rest of the morning meeting with everyone from the Wizengamot and putting together her own private office at the Headquarters. Before leaving to return to The Ministry office, McGonagall met with her again and left her with a stack of material to look through.
"No immediate rush," Minerva said, patting the pile of papers. "These are mostly informative to help you understand the many different fuctions we have here within the Wizengamot. There is also a list of committiees and a description of what each of them do. Each day begins with a meeting between myself and Rufas, which you already sit in one, and based upon your daily schedule, you will spend either some hours in the morning or in the afternoon in your office here. There will also be assignments, although nothing like what you have with the Ministry. Court hearings must be attended, of course, as well as the monthly legislative meetings where new laws and regulations will be discussed and implemented. Now, I must be getting back to Hogwarts and you must be getting back to Rufus! We'll see each other again soon!"
Hermione made her way back to the Ministry and as she walked she noticed how strange it felt not having Ginny with her any longer. Now that the threat Umbridge and her small gang had been removed, Ginny did not need to keep her constant company. Hermione found she missed Ginny's company, though.
Both Ginny and Rufus greeted her as she walked into the Ministry offices, however.
Ginny grinned. "It's about time! I have had to babysit for you long enough!"
"Hey!" Rufas growled playfully. "Who was it keeping me from my work complaining they were no longer needed as an official escort?"
Hermione rolled her eyes!
"Go to your rooms!" Hermione ordered, a slight smirk on her face. "Both of you!"
The three broke up laughing.
"I love working here!" Hermione thought.
Weeks passed and Hermione found herself adjusting easily into her routine in both offices. Ginny covered in many ways when Hermione had to be at her Wizengamot office. Careful planning and scheduling kept everything flowing smoothly. This was a welcome relief for Hermione as her belly swelled and she began to move more awkwardly.
At home in the evenings or over the weekends, Ron still loved to place his hands over the mound that sheltered their child. He had learned not to place his head on the mound any longer, as the baby's kick was strong enough now to hurt a little bit! The couple took good advantage of their time off to relax and unwind and to prepare for the birth of their first child. They also took the time to stay close to their friends as Harry, Ginny, Neville and Luna visited often. Ron and Hermione also visited the Weasley's, Tonks and Lupin who were getting ready to have their first child as well having been assured that the child would not be a true werewolf, but rather a hybrid of sorts. The child could later transform if they wanted, but would not be forced to at a full moon. Needless to say, Lupin was very relieved and he and Tonks made a great couple. He no longer looked thin and ill, nor did he wear shabby clothes. Rufus, despite the outcry of some ignorant wizards and witches, had allowed Moody to hire Lupin as an Auror. Together, he and Tonks brought home a very comfortably salary.
Hermione and Ron also watched their accounts at Gringott's Bank grow. Ron received raises as his rank and seniority grew. Hermione now earned a handsome salary from three Ministry offices.
One day, as Hermione sat at her desk in the Ministry office, she felt the first cramp of labor. It was midafternoon, and she automatically knew she would soon be holding her and Ron's baby in her arms. She got up and waddled into Rufus's office.
"Are you about ready to become an 'Uncle'?" Hermione asked him as he looked up at her. She smiled as she saw his puzzled face suddenly pale with the realization of the meaning behind her words. He jumped up quickly and started toward Hermione, who laughed and held out her hand in restraint. "Rufus, I am in labor, but it will still be a while before the baby actually arrives, so please, calm down! I am alright, the pains have just started and I have plenty of time. I must send an owl, however, to Molly, who is going to be with me when the baby is born. I should also send flying faxes, first to Minerva, so she will know I won't be in tomorrow and to Moody letting him know. Ron will just go starkers if I tell him right now, and I think I will be fine to work out the remainder of the day here. At 4:30, I will just go down to Ron's office and I will tell him then. We will go home together and Molly will come later. I think this baby will be here by dawn tomorrow. Until then, it will be good for me to keep busy!"
"Did I hear right?" Ginny's voice said excitedly from behind her. "I'm sorry, Hermione, I had to drop off these papers to Rufus and his door was wide open. I couldn't help but overhear!"
"It's okay, Ginny!" Hermione said, smiling at her friend. "I guess if I had wanted to keep it private, I would have remembered to shut the door."
Rufus had calmed down, but only a little. While he was no longer on the verge of panic, he was still highly concerned for Hermione.
"I think Ginny should go get Ron and you both should head on home now," Rufus said. "There's very little left to do today anyway and you need to rest!"
"That's sweet!" Hermione said, smiling gently. "But I can tell you have had little experience with childbirth. There is plenty of time yet, and I would like to get some things prepared before I have to leave you all alone for an entire month!"
"Ginny, would you help her with whatever she needs to do," Rufus said, smiling, but seriously. "Then, as soon as she is done with that, go with her to meet Ron."
"Certainly," Ginny smiled as she patted Rufus's shoulder. "Don't worry!"
The two headed back to Hermione's office, and within 45 minutes, had everything as ready as they could make it for Hermione's upcoming absence. Before leaving the office, Hermione stopped back in Rufus's office and surprised him with a hug.
"You stop by and see us in a few days, alright!" Hermione told him. "And send an Owl if you have any questions Ginny can't handle. But I know she'll keep you in line for me while I'm gone!"
"You take good care of yourself and that baby," Rufus ordered fondly. "Don't worry about me!"
Just as Hermione and Ginny left the office, Minerva came almost running around the corner. "Are you alright, Hermione?" she said breathlessly. "I just got your flying fax."
Ginny and Hermione gave each other a look of disbelief.
"I am fine," Hermione assurred Minerva as the older woman tried to catch her breath. "The pains just started about an hour ago. They are not bad at all yet. Ginny and I were just heading down to meet Ron so we can go home together."
"Well, that's good," Minerva said. "You should definately be heading home. I assume Molly is going to be there to help with the delivery?"
"Oh, yes," Hermione reassured Minerva. "Please come by and see us later!"
"I wouldn't want to intrude," Minerva said.
"You would NOT be intruding, you would be a very welcome guest in our home!" Hermione said. "Please come!"
"All right," Minerva said. "I will come, but in a couple days. You will need time to rest after the baby comes. But, Ginny, would you please send me an owl when the child arrives?"
"Of course!" Ginny said, smiling.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Minerva said. "Get going! You have to tell Ronald that his child is coming!"
"See you later!" Hermione said as she and Ginny made their way down the hall.
"People sure act wierd when they find out you're in labor, don't they?" Hermione said.
"They sure do!" Ginny laughed. "But I have a feeling we haven't seen anything yet! I bet Ron absolutely faints from panic!"
"Maybe you should just come with us to our place," Hermione said. "I may need someone there to help me control him!"
The laughed together all the way down the hallway to the entrance to the Auror's Office.

Keeper of Hermione's Wand and Ronald's Pride

Thanks to Laura for resizing for me!
Author of Surprise Letter to Harry and Hermione's Challenge
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