Here is the next post.
Hermione awoke to the sound of someone singing. She crept down the stairs and into the living room.
"Ginny." whispered Hermione "Ginny is that you?"
"Yes." replied Ginny quietly "I'm really sorry if I woke you."
"Don't be sorry, I wish I could hire you as my alarm clock every morning." laughed Hermione
"Don't make fun of my singing." snapped Ginny
"I'm sorry Ginny, but I wasn't joking, your singing was beautiful. Really it was." added Hermione as Ginny gave her 'the look'.
"Thanks Hermione." sighed Ginny "Hermione there's something I want to talk to you about."
"What is it?"
"It's about Ron and Victor."
"You Know?" asked Hermione
"I know."
"Oh Ginny, what should I do?"
"Hermione," replied Ginny "I can't tell you what to do, this is a choice you will have to make for your self."
"Well, thanks anyway Gin."
"I didn't really do anything, but your welcome any way."
"Ginny, I didn't go to St. Mungo's because Healer Brunswick was worried about my safety, but I really need to see Ron."
"I know you do, so I'm not going to stop you."
"Thank you Gin." Hermione said as she grabbed a pinch of flu powder and threw it into the fire place. At once green flames erupted. She stepped into the flames and shouted "St. Mungo's hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries."
“Good morning Healer Brunswick.” said Hermione as she stepped out of the fire place. "Could you tell me what ward Ronald Weasley is in?"
"Let me see, Ronald Weasley, ah here it is, Ronald Weasley ward A13."
"Thank you." Hermione ran all the way to Ron's room and pushed open the door. Suddenly there was a bang and two flashes of bright light. When the light subsided there were two people on the ground. One was a woman that Hermione had never seen before, and the other was........
Hi, I hope you enjoyed this post.