I Won't Say I'm In Love - Sa13+ Run, Emma, Run! Hello everyone! My name is Emma and this is my third FF. This fic however is just a one-shot so there will be only one posts! This one-shot is an H/Hr story and is titled I Won’t Say I’m In Love. There’s nothing else to say now but… Enjoy!
Summary: This story takes place after Harry and Hermione graduate from Hogwarts. They both have wonderful jobs and they both are closer than ever. The closer they get however the stronger this strange feeling between them gets. This feeling though worries Hermione because she is going through a divorce and all she wants with Harry is a strong friendship. Harry, however, likes this feeling he is getting every time he is with Hermione and wants to move their friendship to the next level. Will Hermione give in and become more than friends with Harry? Or will she just turn her head and not say she’s in love?
Hermione walked out of an office crying. Harry who was waiting for her outside the building saw her and immediately collected her in his arms and started telling her everything was going to be okay. Hermione however didn’t listen to Harry comforting words. She was scared. Scared of being in the world all alone since she would no longer have a husband to lean on. See the thing was Hermione Granger and Jim Hanson were no longer a happy couple. After two long happy years Jim called it quits. The day Jim announced to Hermione that he wanted a divorce Hermione fell apart. She tried very hard to save her marriage but nothing worked. Hermione always questioned herself on what she might have done for him to not love her anymore. Then one day her questions were answered… “ Jim why?” Hermione cried.
“ Hermione I think it would be better if we didn’t discuss this” Jim said calmly.
“ No! I want to know what I did wrong! Why don’t you love me anymore?”
“ Hermione I do love you! But the thing is I can’t stand the relationship you and Harry have! You two are so close that I end up feeling left out! And I’m your husband!”
Hermione started to laugh, “ Were getting a divorce because you don’t like Harry?”
“ I don’t hate Harry it’s just that… God Hermione don’t you see why Ron stopped talking to you two!?”
“ What’s Ron got to do with any of this?” Hermione snapped.
“ Because you and Harry act like you two are the only two that matter! When we first got married I started to think you had gotten married to the wrong man! I think you love Harry and I can’t be with someone who doesn’t take our relationship seriously!”
“ Jim you are being so stupid!” Hermione yelled.
“ Maybe I am…”
After that Jim had gotten up and walked out of their apartment, luggage and all. That however happened two weeks ago and today was the day Hermione had signed the divorce papers in the tiny office in the building on 22nd street. She had no husband, all she had was Harry. Hermione should have been bothered by Harry’s comfort because he was the reason Jim left her. But for some reason she wasn’t. Hermione let Harry walk her to her apartment, the apartment she had gotten full custody of, and he left her there to try and get some rest. Hermione however didn't bother and turned on her stereo. If there's a prize for rotten judgment
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history--been there, done that!
Hermione listened to the song. Hermione had been through a lot of relationships before she had met Jim and that didn’t give her a good reputation.
“ I guess I have won the prize for rotten judgment” Hermione sighed. “ And how come girls always cry over their broken relationships? This song is right… no man is worth the aggravation! I’ve done it to many times before!”
Hermione got up and went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up.
“ No more crying Hermione!” she told herself.
“ Because you and Harry act like you two are the only two that matter! When we first got married I started to think you had gotten married to the wrong man! I think you love Harry and I can’t be with someone who doesn’t take our relationship seriously!”
“ You were wrong Jim… I don’t love Harry and I am never going to love Harry! I’m never going to love again!” Five months later…
“ Girl you love him! Admit it!”
“ Gwen shut up! I do not!” Hermione snapped.
Gwen was Hermione’s new roommate. She had begged Gwen to come and live with her after her divorce.
“ Yes you do!”
“ Gwen!”
Hermione got up and turned on the radio. She was tired of hearing Gwen say she loved Harry. Who d'ya think you're kiddin'?
He's the earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through you
Girl, ya can't conceal it
We know how ya feel and
Who you're thinkin' of
Hermione didn’t move. Gwen started to laugh.
“ I told you! Even the radio thinks so!”
Hermione started to blush. Gwen laughed harder.
“ I have to go to work. I’ll see you later!” Gwen said as she got up and left.
The radio continued with its song… No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no
(You swoon, you sigh
Why deny it, uh-oh)
It's too cliché
I won't say I'm in love I thought my heart had learned its lesson
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming, get a grip, girl
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out
Hermione was not going to admit it. She was not going to give Jim or anyone the glory of knowing that they were right.
“ But I thought I learned my lesson! Love is a good for nothing pain in the butt! It only feels good in the beginning but when you start to feel confident everything is torn away from you!” You keep on denyin'
Who you are and how you're feelin'
Baby, we're not buyin'
Hon, we saw ya hit the ceilin'
Face it like a grown-up
When ya gonna own up
That you got, got, got it bad?)
“ I’m not denying anything!” Hermione yelled to herself. “ I don’t love anyone! No one, especially a stupid radio, knows how I feel!” No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no
(Give up, give in
Check the grin--you're in love)
This scene won't play
I won't say I'm in love
(You're doin' flips
Read our lips: you're in love)
“ Me and Harry? No way!” Hermione said. “ He has been dropping hints though that he wants to be more then friends… no! Hermione shut up! Me and Harry… never!!” You're way off base
I won't say it
Get off my case
I won't say it
(Girl, don't be proud
It's O.K. you're in love)
“ Stupid song! I don’t love Harry! You are wrong! Stop trying to make me think about love!” Hermione shouted. She changed the station but the song seemed to be on every station Hermione changed it to. “ Aghhh! I’m not in love!”
At least out loud
I won't say I'm in love
“ I don’t…” Hermione said.
“ Don’t what?” Gwen asked.
“ What are you doing here?”
“ I live here ding dong!”
“ No why are you home from work so early?”
“ Oh, I decided to come home… I didn’t go to work okay… it’s only been 9 minutes since I left! I went to get coffee.”
Hermione glared at Gwen.
“ Hermione what’s…”
“ Nothing”.
Hermione turned off the radio and went into the kitchen. She picked up the phone and dialed Jim’s work number.
“ Hello?”
“ Jim it’s me, Hermione”
“ Oh! Um… hi”
“ Listen I just wanted to tell you that you were right”.
“ Right about what? Your mortgage?”
“ No!… That… I do love Harry”.
“ Wait you…”
Hermione hung up. The doorbell rang. Hermione heard Gwen answer.
“ Harry!”
“ Hey Gwen. Is Hermione around?”
“ Didn’t she tell you to leave her alone?”
Hermione went to the door. “ Yes I did”.
Harry looked at Hermione opened his mouth to talk but Hermione stopped him.
“ Gwen give us a minute”.
Gwen left.
“ Hermione I know you said that I should leave you alone but I don’t think our friendship should suffer because I can’t control my feelings and…”
Hermione tuned Harry out… “ Forget the song! You need to say your feelings out loud! Say you love him!”
“ I love you Harry”.
Harry stopped rambling about what ever he was talking about. “ You what?”
“ I love you”.
Harry didn’t move.
Hermione, deciding she was going to have to make the first move, kissed him.
Harry came to his senses and kissed Hermione back.
Gwen started to clap and say “ Finally! What took you so long!?”
Hermione laughed and said “ I decided to stop my little I Won’t Say I’m In Love protest”.
“ Good” Harry said as he kissed Hermione once more. The End
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy! |