Thread: Harry Potter: A Rivalry Untrue - Sa13+
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Old 03-25-2004, 05:15 AM   #13 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Posts: 56

Yes, those parts are hilarious, or like in the movie when harry is goyle and he goes "why're you wearing glasses?" harry goes "uh...reading" then he goes "I didn't know you could read!" HAHAHAH funny stuff......well shall we continue?

Dimitri had awoken the next morning with the biggest head ache he'd ever had. After the night before he didn't know what to think. What was going on? did she like him the way he liked her? or was it just an act. But she kissed him.......or did he kiss her? He didn't know it just happened. He got up from his bed and groggily went down the stairs to the great hall. Once he got in there he saw Sky sitting at the Gryffindor table, her head in her arms like she was asleep.

He had the biggest urge to run up to her and kiss her again but all he did was take a step forward.....then back again. What was he so afraid of? He;d told her the truth, then they kissed. He'd liked it, but then she left. Had he scared her by kissing her? Maybe that was it, he had to talk to her.

So Dimitri puffed out his chest, took a deep breath and walked right up to her. "uh....Sky, can I to you....alone?" She looked up at him and the look in her eyes was almost terrified. But she nodded and walked out into the hall with him. Just then she saw Draco walking up. He held out his hand at first to receive his pay but when he noticed Dimitri he nodded and smirked, then entered the great hall. Dimitri leaned against the wall and looked right into Sky's eyes again, she hated it when he looked right into them like that like he was trying to read her mind.......and yet she liked it...........

"What happened last night? Why did you leave?" he asked her quietly. Sky shuffled her feet. Her guilt was rising and rising but she didn't know why. She didn't want to lie to him anymore but she couldn't just give up on the bargain either. "I kind of scared me, I always thought you hated me.....and last night was....." (STOP! what're you doing? she thought) "wonderful............and.......the truth is................."

At this she noticed she was still looking into his eyes and she'd gotten very close to him, her hands were in his somehow......pretty soon they're lips were touching again and she was hugging him tighter than she'd ever hugged anyone. Then she felt a pang of fear and ran into the great hall leaving him there alone, stunned.

Sky was so stressed that she just walked by malfoy and dropped two bags of 50 galleons in front of Malfoy and walked off. When Malfoy realized something was wrong he went after her. "Whats going on? You're not fallin for him are you?" Sky looked angrily at him "NO! NO IM NOT!" "Then where's the notebook?" Sky shuffled, reached into her pocket and.....................

Dimitri walked into the hall a little while later to find the whole hall laughing. And Malfoy reading a notebook.............a very familiar notebook.........HIS NOTEBOOK! BUT HOW? HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????!!! !!!!!!!!???????????
He tried to nab it from him but Malfoy held it high "Oh look at this yours?"

"YES ITS MINE HOW DID YOU GET IT?" Dimitri yelled. Then he looked at Sky. " gave it to him............." Sky nodded and her eyes began to tear up. she knew what was coming. "Wonderful? And so you humiliate me because IM WONDERFUL! WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?"

And with that he stormed out of the hall and Sky was left standing there, with the laughing crowd around her. but suddenly, in her own mind, it was silent
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