K.O. Tonks' Babies here's the next post people, and thanks for the comments again! Chapter 9: Quidditch.
Before Harry knew it the tryouts for the Gryffindor Quidditch team came. He spent a week convincing Ginny that all the other competition was sure to be rubbish. It took him five minutes to realise the reason why no one was giving any orders was because that was his job!
“Ok everyone I have no idea what I’m doing so just start with two laps of the pitch ok?” He began so everyone laughed and obeyed. Ginny smiled at him and he found himself watching her far more than anyone else. Katie Bell was the only original team member left so he needed two more chasers and two beaters. Ron was still keeper due to his excellent end of year performance.
Ginny joined the team happily after an outstanding trial with a beaming smile. A new find called Demelza Robins shuffled in line with Ginny and Katie after standing out considerably. The choices for beaters however, were slightly inconvenient. Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan performed exceptionally in the tryouts and Harry was forced to let them on the team. He didn’t mind Seamus, but Dean constantly tried to get Ginny’s attention (of which was all directed at Harry), which annoyed Harry greatly, but he played well.
“Ginny are you sure you don’t mind Dean? I can find someone else!” Harry asked.
“Don’t worry as long as he plays well I don’t mind, I just have one request…” She replied.
“Anything what?”
“Can I be the one that hexes him if he tries to chat me up or convince me to dump you? I don’t want you getting into trouble when it’s my problem!”
“Ha, yeah alright you can do the hexing…” Seem as Dean was watching he kissed her briefly and smiled at the look on his face.
Quidditch practice went very well until one practice five days before the first match against Slytherin. Harry was watching Katie and Demelza demonstrate the tactics they’d been practising when he heard a yell from behind him. He swivelled around to see Dean Thomas being attacked by bat-winged bogies and Ginny flying away from him looking thunderous. She approached him with a purposeful look on her face and began to explain the havoc.
“Sorry he kept flirting with me and then he tried to give me a massage so I hexed him. I won’t let it affect the match I promise!” She said and kissed quickly in apology. As she pulled away and Harry started laughing.
“It’s ok I’ve been desperate to hex him myself, I just wish he was rubbish! Then I could kick him off the team!” He said and everyone (except Dean) laughed. Unfortunately Madam Pomfrey was nearby and arranged a detention for Ginny later that night, while she took Dean to the Hospital Wing. Dean refused to talk to anyone on the team (except Seamus) for the rest of the evening, which to his disappointment most people found highly amusing! the next couple of psots are all about quidditch n stuff so they'll naturally be in red, for the good ol grffy quidditch team! even though i'm a ravenclaw...
__________________ ~Join Ginny, Bonnie, Tonks, Sybill, Harry and Evanna FCs!~ 
~Maddey (Wallum) is the best~Luffs Kyla and Rozzy~Nikki is My Pasta Buddy~
~I am Gracie's cherry tree *waves branches* and she is my Graciepop~
Last edited by Madfish; 05-21-2007 at 06:48 PM.