Originally Posted by My sis
Ohmygoshlookyit'sMyChrisIcan'tbelieveyou'rehereOMG yay!
How could I not be here? I simply have to stalk your awesomeness XD
Originally Posted by
Lily snorted in response. "That one in the distance,” she replied with a shrug.
I already like the sound of him
She knew Tanzeel well enough to tell that he was the boy who had just entered the classroom.
She did?! *has a brain shock* Quote:
“Can you please tell me your name?” she asked, clasping her hands and looking up at him through brown eyes widened on purpose, in an extremely endearing manner.
Haha, I love that line! writes down 
*luffs on our heroine* Quote:
As Tanzeel began to stride out of the classroom, he suddenly tripped over something invisible and sprawled, headfirst, on to the ground in front of him.
Now what would that be?
It was a good thing Lily Asaif didn't notice that smile; a really, really good thing.
Lovely. I can't wait to find out more, especially about Tanzeel
*attaches herself to this thread* <123