well thanks for the comments, im glad you LOVe my story! don't worry. there are more surprises to come

here we go again!
Sky was sitting at the Gryffindor table so that she could see both Dimitri, AND Malfoy. She had the real notebook safely tucked away in her beside table whilst the real one was supposedly burned in the Ravenclaw fireplace. Sky scratched her left ear to signal Malfoy. Malfoy coughed to show that he got the signal. So sky got up and pretended to just walk behind Dimitri to head to her friend, Jay, while Malfoy had his foot out.
Just as planned, Sky tripped and fell hard onto the floor. It wasn't painful as she conjured several pillows into her shirt. but once everyone began looking at her she made them disappear. Just as she thought, Dimitri(who hated slytherin) held out a hand to her. "Are you alright?"he asked her. She smiled thankfully up at him and let him help her up, when she was standing he put his arm around her. sky smirked, this was going better than she had planned.
Dimitri smiled at Sky then scowled at Malfoy. "What did you do that for you git?" Malfoy just raised his eyebrows mockingly at him and walked out of the great hall. Dimitri finally noticed he was holding Sky and let go. He stood there shuffling his feet and he mumbled "glad ur ok" and he sat down.
Sky walked off and smiled to herself. This could just WORK! She walked out of the great hall and sure enough there was Malfoy. He had his hand held out waiting for his first pay. "There, fifty, you'll get the other 3 fifty after tonight, tomorrow, and when we reveal the notebook. Got it?" she told him handing him a large bag of galleons. The door to the great hall began to open and Sky told malfoy to hide. Sure enough there was Dimitri looking around curiously until his eyes found Sky, who was pretending to have walked down the hall. "WAIT!"
Sky stopped and turned around with a would-be curious look on her face. "yes dimitri?" she asked, Dimitri stopped and twiddled his thumbs. He looked up at her with a nervous look on his face and asked "Uh well, I was wondering if you could perhaps meet me in the library later and help me with something.....?"
thats it, dont be nervous just ask her if she'll meet you.....no wimping out now he thought to himself.
Sky smiled. "Sure, help with what?" "Uh and assignment, very hard, can't do it alone. wanted help, know yuo're smart." he said quickly trying to sound calm. "Alrighty, what time?" she asked getting slightly closer to him. He backed away nervously and stuttered before saying "uh.....er............well....uh....8..ish?"
Sky smiled and nodded, she got slightly closer to him and said in a slightly flirtacious sexy voice "alright..........8 ish, see ya then." he nodded and backed into the great hall doors. He smiled and went back into the hall. "BRILLIANT!" Malfoy said clapping and laughing coming out of his hiding space. "ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! I should be paying you for your acting!"
Sky smiled and bowed. "Its all part of my plot!" They laughed and continued down the hall while planning they're next move