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Old 03-23-2004, 02:56 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting! I got hooked on a new video game this weekend. :whisle: I have to type fast for this one- I have five minutes!


That week seemed like a disaster for Hermione. Neville was avoiding her, Ron gave her nasty looks, and Harry just looked at her with sympathy. Ginny seemed like her only friend, and they often went to the library or did homework together. Once or twice Hermione invited Ginny to visit Hagrid with her, but it still didn't seem the same with out Ron and Harry, and Neville.

Ginny had told Hermione how Neville had been very hurt that night in the Common Room. Hermione had tried to talk to him, but he would always just reply with a polite hello and then run off. She didn't feel like Neville was her friend anymore.

To Hermione's dissapointment, Joey didn't visit as frequently as she had hoped. Of course, he still paid attention to her, and that Friday he suprised her with a small bottle of vanilla scented perfume. Of course, Hermone didn't wear perfume, but he gave it to her so sweetly and polietly, and besides, he was her boyfriend, or at least, her boyfriend-to-be.


That was a horrible stopping point, but I PROMISE that I'll be back this afternoon to pick up where I left off. See ya then!

~Une rose est beauté*-
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