Rock Away Blind | You Could Be My Silver Springs Blue Green Colours Flashing | Basically the Sun Quote:
Originally Posted by Neva Amos Neva sighs at Niky's words before standing up. She walks over to where she is stood, glaring, and stands a hairs breath away from her. Her eyes bored into hers, almost seeing into her very soul. "You want a reason why you should forgive him? Fine. This man right here" she points a loving hand at Julian. " He has suffered beyond anything you can possibly imagine. Hios parents were killed because of Hyde. Guilt has been knawing at him..every moment of every day. He lost his daughter because he had the audacity to ask one person for support. One person who cared enough to believe that it... that he was a cause worth fighting for. And you're telling me that because he had the nerve to release whatever humanity was trapped in that beast... that he had the nerve to help his friend find his way home... you're telling me that that was wrong?" she says breathily, her eyes shimmering and watering at her words. " How dare you assume that he would leave that scene without pain. I don't think it's fair that one man should suffer so greatly for caring so much!". In the Library Bookshelves thread
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