Thread: Harry Potter: A Rivalry Untrue - Sa13+
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Old 03-22-2004, 03:04 PM   #3 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Posts: 56

thanks lots :flowersmile: i suppose they are in sixth, i would say fifth but considering ill be 16 well here's more of the story for you!

Dimitri had gone halfway down the hall when he realized something was missing. "MY JOURNAL!" He cried out loud and he sprinted in the other direction hoping beyond hope that no one, especially Sky, had found it..........

Sky had dropped the book where her and Dimitri had run into one another. She looked up and down the hall then saw Dimitri running toward her. He scrambled onto the floor for the book and put it in his bag. "Trying to STEAL from me now? My private notebook, you don't need to be seeing that." But she didn't answer. Not one insult passed her lips to him. She just stared. Stared into his eyes not speaking. The angry look slowly melted off of Dimitri's face to a confused look. He waved a hand in front of her face and she caught it.

She held his wrist two feet away from her face and her hand made it's way into his. Dimitri's heart was going a million miles an hour. What was she DOING? Did she read the book? No she just got there when he did........

Finally Sky snapped out of it and threw his hand away in disgust. She stomped her foot angrily and stomped away. Dimitri stood there for the longest time trying to figure out what had happened.....She couldn't have read it......just couldn't have.
he turned around and began to head to his common room again. His feet carried him but his mind wasn't aware. He had really been headed to the library then to dispose of his journal before Sky would see it. Which to him, was highly unlikely. But he still took the precaution.

Once he was in his common room he sat down on the couch with his face in his hands. Then he looked up and laughed at himself. He was being stupid. Sky was with Harry wasn't she? She wouldn't flirt with anyone else would she?...........
But wait........didn't her and Harry break up not long ago? A month ago it seems. He remembered it now. They decided to just be friends. It didn't seem like she still liked Harry in that way.......He didn't know........with these thoughts still in his head, Dimitri laid back and slowly drifted off to sleep while still deep in his own thoughts.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Sky had wandered back to her common room alone. Why had she grabbed his hand like that? She couldn't POSSIBLY be falling for................DIMITRI! She had only read his journal. Sure some of that stuff he said about her was sweet but thats all it was. He probably made it on purpose to make her think he liked her. There was only one way to find out for sure..................

Henry Jenkins was Dimitri's best friend. He was also Sky's friend. Sort of their wanna-be mediator so to speak. He hated the fact that they fought all the time. He in fact thought they were supposed to be together. Sky knew there was only one way to get Henry to tell her. By Owl. So she wrote a letter basically asking "Who does Dimitri Smalls like? yours truly, owlwoman"

She had been Henry's pen pal for ages. He still didn't know it was her. They became pen pals when one of his letters came to her by accident. And ever since she had been writing to him with advice etc. She knew this HAD to work! If not, then how else could she find out if it was true or not? Was she being too desperate? Yes she was........she ripped the note up and sat down on the couch in the common room.

What was happening to her? Did she really have feelings for him now? Now that she supposedly knew the truth. There was another way to find out. They say that the first kiss you receive from a person can determine your true feelings.....well how would she do that????? There was only one person in Hogwarts who was a realy matchmaker and she had seen it. she thought, maybe he could help.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

I know i'm making them BOTH seem a bit desperate lol. but you know how it is, they thought they hated each other. you get the jist of it, TELL ME WAHT YOU THINK thanks! :flowersmile:
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