The End Of The Dark Lord - Sa13+
This is a one shot fan fic and i would appreciate any constructive criticism you may have....ENJOY!!!
It had been exactly two years since the fall of the Dark Lord and when everything in Ginny’s life came crashing down around her.
They had all been together right until the very end, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Harry; the love of her life. They all knew it was going to end badly; the four of them were the only remaining members of the order. Everyone else had been killed, compliments of the death eaters or Voldemort, himself.
The night of Voldermort’s downfall there were spells flying in every direction. Once Voldermorts presence was know at the scene, time seemed to drag on and prolong the attacks. He turned and without hesitation, shot a killing curse directly in Hermione's direction. Ron pushed her out of the way and felt the full effects of the curse himself. With a blast of green light, Ron’s lifeless body tumbled to the ground. Frantically, Hermione threw curses savagely through the air targets unknown, just to do damage. As tears beaded down her face, she ran to Ron’s side. There was a blast of green light and then two young bodies lay lifeless, side by side in the dark of the night.
Harry, having Ginny pinned magically to a tree, threw the invisibility cloak around her. With a quick kiss and an anxious “I love you”, he turned to face his destiny. Ginny watched as both Voldemort and Harry battled fiercely, throwing curse after curse. Soon it was all over; tired and seeking an end to each other, simultaneously the two adversaries shot killing curses directly towards one another. Harry Potter, “the boy lived”, was dead.
The binding curse instantly lifted off Ginny’s weeping body. She fell to the ground and her body shook gently as tears streamed down her face. Tormented by everything she had seen and everyone that she had lost, she slowly crawled over to where Harry’s motionless body lay sprawled on the bloody, damp lawn. Gently lifting his head, she coddled him in her arms as she wept, rocking him soothingly.
Ginny was unsure of how long she had been sitting on the blood soaked lawn. All she knew was that she couldn’t feel anything. She’d gone numb; numb to all the pain and destruction she had witnessed. The few remaining aurors finally arrived, astonished at what they were seeing. One rushed quickly to Ginny’s side and softly lifted her off the ground, frantic and determined not to leave Harry. The auror rushed to transport both Ginny and the deceased Harry away from the scene. The auror had apparated them to an undisclosed building, St. Mungo’s had been attacked by death eaters a few months earlier and therefore was no longer safe.
As she lay in the hospital bed, she could distantly hear the whispers of the healers discussing someone that was dying, for they had lost the will to live. Relating with the unknown patient, Ginny began to understand exactly what that felt like. With one last thought of her family, friends, and Harry, she silently died.
I hope you enjoyed this and again I would appreciate any constructive criticism you may have. Thank you!