Join Date: Feb 2006 Location: *luffs THe MMN!* / s
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jacqueline (Jackie) Sampson | *winks* at salee coz she found that funny *wink* *wink* K.O. Tonks' Babies Quote:
Originally Posted by GinnyRocks713 quote:hee hee i shoved them together kinda quickly ish... you will see... oh yes u will see... i dunno wot i'm on about there...
yeah i dunno wat you were on about there either but it reminds me of the part in lotr return of the king when frodo and smeagel were in the spider's lair and smeagel said 'you will see... oh yes you will see...' which, ironically, i was watching at that exact moment. that is 'siriusly' ironic. heehee.
~Cheyenne~ well thats where i think i got it from! i quote golum all the time lol
anyway welcome Mrs Susan Potter, i'm sure many envy you hee hee thankyou for your comments everybody! i still feel unworthy hee hee expecially coz i'm quite convinced this next post is not good enough... o well here it is anyway Chapter 4: Eep!
Over the next week the kids continued cleaning the living room and eventually finished it. Now they were onto the bedrooms and a lot of unexpected things had been discovered under the beds and in the wardrobes. A secret compartment in Ron’s wardrobe held another severed hand, like the ones that Ginny had found in the attic. Also a stuffed cat was found under Ginny’s bed.
One Wednesday Ron and Hermione were cleaning the boy’s room, while Harry and Ginny cleaned the girl’s. Ginny was getting used to being in only Harry’s company now, and they never mentioned the “almost kiss”.
“Do you actually want this colour in your room?” said Harry, glaring at the sickly green colour on his brush (he was repainting the dresser).
“No way! But mum makes the choices so…”
“Do you reckon it dries and turns out nicer?”
“The only nice kind of green is your eyes.” Ginny blushed bright red as she realised what she just said.
“Do you mean that?” he asked breaking the awkward silence.
“Yes I do…” she said not believing she was saying this. Harry looked at her, her stunning blue eyes, and her gleaming red hair. This girl was something special and he loved her.
“You know what?” he said.
“I think I owe you something…” He leaned forward and kissed her deeply. Her lips were soft and gentle, and he didn’t want to leave them but slowly, he fell of the stool he was sitting on. Great. Suddenly they crashed to the ground laughing having messed up their first kiss completely. They stood up slowly and he kissed her again. This time it was perfect. He embraced her and she felt like someone had just grabbed her hand, helping her willingly drift up to heaven. She ran her hands through his hair and couldn’t believe this was happening. She heard the door open but didn’t care. Then she realised, she should care! What if it was Ron? Breaking away she gazed up at the door her eyes wide. Harry saw she was staring at the door and turned his head in the same direction. There in the doorway was Ron, gazing at them half murderous, half shocked.
“Eep” said Harry before diving behind a bed and whispering
“I’m not here.”
Ginny couldn’t help but let out a giggle, despite the desperation of the situation.
“Harry what were you doing kissing my sister?” He sounded firm and angry, but did not shout.
“Erm… I guess I felt like it.”
“Well you can’t feel like it then!” Ron spat.
“And why not?” Ginny complained.
“Because you’re my sister, and he’s my best mate!”
“Hermione’s my best friend and you’re my brother!” Said Ginny, outraged.
“Yeah well that’s different!” Said Ron.
“No it’s not…” Harry muttered.
“Shut up Harry you kissed my sister!”
“Well aren’t I lucky!” Harry smiled and Ron glared at him.
Ginny was finding it hard not laugh as she saw Hermione in the doorway gawping at Harry.
“Harry? Did you kiss Ginny?”
“And proud!” he replied unable to stop grinning having now come out from behind the bed.
“Ron I think you’re overreacting calm down,” said Hermione
“Fine you can have her Harry but no snogging in public! Was that your first kiss?”
“No actually that was about two seconds before I fell off my chair…” He said indicating to the tipped over stool. Ginny could no longer hold in her laughter and collapsed into suffocating giggles.
Ginny’s laughter began to attract an audience at the door and Tonks, Mr and Mrs Weasley and Lupin stood in the doorway making Hermione move out of the way. Mrs Weasley observed the room with Ron slumped on a chair, Harry behind the bed, Hermione gawping at Harry and Ginny half-suffocating on the floor.
“What happened here?” she asked, but before she could get an answer Harry burst out laughing at the look on Ron’s face. He was sitting with his head in one hand and a look of both annoyance and stubbornness.
“Nothing mum Harry err… fell off his chair…” said Ginny finally able to stop laughing. The false explanation was very convincing despite the “err”.
“Whatever, just hurry up and finish cleaning…”
When the rooms were finally finished it was almost time for dinner. All the kids were called down to help prepare whether they had finished or not. Ginny was just leaving when Harry grabbed her arm and said
“Ginny can I ask you something?”
“Yeah sure…” Her pulse was quickening fast with the hope of what was coming.
“Do you want to be my girlfriend?” He sounded pointlessly nervous.
“What do you mean “Do you want to” of course I do!” Her heart back-flipped around her body in happiness and she once again found herself unable to stop smiling. Harry’s eyes sparkled and he smiled, kissed her briefly but passionately and left to help prepare for dinner.
“Harry wait…” she burst out.
“What is it?”
“Don’t tell anyone yet I don’t want my mum to know…”
“Ok how come?” he asked kindly.
“Well… She’ll probably freak… She knew about Dean but that didn’t go anywhere and she didn’t know about Michael…”
“Oh right ok, she probably would freak actually…” He kissed her again briefly and half jumped down the stairs. When he got to the bottom she heard him say
“hee hee!” happily.
Ginny ran into her room and squealed in pleasure, jumping up and down on her bed in celebration of what just happened. She had waited so long… Suddenly her one-person party was interrupted by a surprised laugh and she turned to see Hermione, once again, standing in the doorway.
“What’s the celebration for now?”
“I’m Harry’s girlfriend!” She replied. Hermione screamed and started jumping with her, something very unlike the Hermione she knew.
“Oh my god Ginny! You are so lucky!”
“I had to wait four years do you call that lucky! You’re Ron’s girlfriends aren’t you?”
“No we’re just going out! You’ve never been out with Harry you’re already his girlfriend! You’ve skipped a stage!”
“There are stages?”
“Ok then…” Silence fell as Ginny wondered where Hermione’s weird stage idea had come from.
“Oh alright I’m talking rubbish there’s no difference but congratulations anyway, come on lets go!”
“Hermione don’t tell anyone please!”
“What, not even Ron?”
“Oh would you tell Ron?”
“Yeah sure! It might come as a bit of a shock for him though, look at his first reaction…”
“Oh well he’ll get over it let’s go…” end of seventh post hey atleast i got the most important part done! anyone got any advice? xxx
__________________ ~Join Ginny, Bonnie, Tonks, Sybill, Harry and Evanna FCs!~ 
~Maddey (Wallum) is the best~Luffs Kyla and Rozzy~Nikki is My Pasta Buddy~
~I am Gracie's cherry tree *waves branches* and she is my Graciepop~
Last edited by Madfish; 05-21-2007 at 07:03 PM.