A Rivalry Untrue - Sa13+
this story has two of my characters in it, but it still has harry and the others i just really wanted to post this story so here i go
"You are such an IDIOT!" Sky yelled across the great hall to the Ravenclaw table to a boy standing there glaring at her. "If IM the idiot Skylonia, then howcome you're the one yelling when i'm only a table away and can hear you when you talk in a normal tone?" he said back. "DIMITRI SMALLS IM GOING TO SMACK YOU!" sky walked over the table and almost hit Harry. Harry grabbed her legs in his arms and she fell into his arms. he held her waist and she struggled while Dimitri stood there laughing at her. his black bangs dangling just above his eyes while the sun shown on his otherwise fuzzy blonde hair and his big green eyes mocking her from onyl feet away. "Come on Harry let me go let me go! I gotta get one hit he ALWAYS MOCKS ME!" she cried trying to get out of Harry's grip. Finally Dimitri stopped laughing and left the great hall with his friends. "FINE RUN DIMITRI SEE IF I CARE!" Sky cried and she stopped struggling sitting down next to Harry and HErmione while Ron stared at her from the other side of the table.
"What is your guys' problem?" Ron asked Sky timidly. Sky looked at him with her peircing blue eyes, her long brown hair was hanging around her face nearly out of the ponytail it was once in. the look on her face showed pure irritation. "He has ALWAYS hated me for no reason at ALL! I never did a THING to him!" as she said this she picked up a biscuit and took a savage bite out of it. For a long time they sat there in silence. A few times Hermione opened her mouth to say something but she closed her mouth back up as though saying that would just raise Sky's temper. Sky had finally calmed down after lunch tiem and was laughing at everything like she always did. Sky, Harry, Ron and Hermione left soon after her good mood came back and headed for the common room. Harry was talking about Quidditch when suddenly someone ran into Sky headlong. It was Dimitri, he was on the floor now looking up at them, embarassed it seemed. his tall figure was sprawled out and he was covered in ink. he had dropped his bag of school supplies, broken an ink bottle, and gotten everything he now owned covered in ink.
Sky looked down at him and held out a hand. Ron looked at her hand in surprise. "Er......Sky.." she looked at him and he backed off. Dimitri also looked questioningly at her hand before accepting it and she helped him up and picked up his things for him. "uh....thank you." he said suspiciously. "yourwelcome." sky mumbled and they continued walkign in their own directions.
"May I ask why you decided to help him?" Hermione said. "Because....I got his notebook...his PRIVATE notebook." They all stopped and noticed, under her arm was an ink drenched notebook and on the cover it indeed said "Private: Property of Dimitri Matthew Smalls." She smirked and they all began to laugh.
in the common room they were sitting around the fire trying to clean off the ink drenched notebook with a cloth. Until finally Hermione put a charm on it and all of the ink vanished.
"Well let's open it up then!" Harry said and Sky held an arm out and caught his as he reached for it. "Harry we have to just read a few pages without him knowing we took it. So Hermione if you would please get rid of our finger prints while i conjure up some rubber gloves?" Hermione nodded and did the charm, the book burned bright blue showing their finger prints and then they vanished. Sky handed out the rubber gloves and they all took them all laughing evily.
Sky opened the book and on the first page she dropped her jaw in shock. Harry, Ron and HErmione all gasped. Right there on the first page it read: Dimitri loves Sky :heart: Sky dropped the book and Harry picked it up. He flipped through all of the pages. "Why all it is is poems and drawings, all for you Sky!" Sky slid off the couch and put a hand t oher head.
Hermione conjured up a warm cloth for her and put it on her head. And as Harry reached the last page he gasped. "This is from today! it reads:
Dear Journal,
Today as usual we got into a fight. I wish She wouldn't judge me so harshly like that. If only she knew that i really cared. I know she may never feel the same but I try, actually no i don't but i don't know why i hide my emotions so. I guess i'll just keep trying, but now i have to dispose of this book before someone finds it, so adue!
As he finished reading he looked up at Sky. Her eyes were fixed on the fire. She was in a state of shock. How could this be? This couldn't be DIMITRI MATTHEW SMALLS' journal. It couldn't be. maybe she was dreaming? no perhaps not........ but it HAD to be a dream. There were no signs.........or were there? "It can't be it just can't!"
Hermione,Ron, and Harry all shuffled in their seats. "What? He never showed ANY signs...." Hermione coughed, Ron stuttered, Harry whistled "What? He hasn't.......has he?"
Hermione stood up and looked down at her. "Actually we knew all along Sky." she said. "What how?" Sky said. "Well, for one, he ALWAYS stares at you in flying lessons." she said. "He blew you kisses once during lunch." said Ron. "And once he was writing a note to a boy saying he wanted to ask you to the ball last year." said Harry. They kept naming things off and on and offf and on and Sky was overwhelmed. "I think I'm going to go return the book." She took the book and without one more word, she left the common room.
(more coming soon, sorry i couldn't put more of harry.ron.and hermione, if u want me to make improvements just ask but this is kind of like a life story so to speak, thank you)