Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
Whatever, it's been a couple days...
Anyways, here's the last chapter   It was fun I gotta say... putting off all those days I coulda been working on this for other F.Fs and when I finally got to this one since my creative mind was more open, ideas came easier (most of the time  )
Enjoy the last chapter.
Srah Chapter 17
The Hogwarts Express
Dom found Harry awake the next day. With Madam Pomfrey’s permission (she didn’t really ask, Madam Pomfrey just said ‘go ahead’ as Dom walked by), Dom brought Harry out of the hospital wing.
The weeks passed by and it soon came to Christmas. Harry invited Dom to Grimmauld Place with Ron, Hermione and Ginny. It was a fairly quiet Christmas for the Weasleys and the others, even with Order members coming and going throughout the holiday. They all heard the stories of what happened to Dom and Harry, both from them and from The Daily Prophet. Tonks also seemed to enjoy telling how she rescued them from the Malfoy Estate. Tonks especially boasted that she and the other Aurors managed to get all of the Death Eaters in the Manor, which was all of them, either dead or in Azkaban. Dom found out her parents were among the dead, but she didn’t truly care that they were, she was more than happy actually, they deserved it. The one person that obviously didn’t get caught was Lord Voldemort; he wasn’t anywhere to be found inside the manor.
Months passed by in peace, it seemed as though nothing would destroy the serenity Hogwarts finally had. Nothing broke the spell Hogwarts seemed to be under, not even when it came to June.
Harry, Hermione, Ron and Dom got into the Hogwarts Express along with other students. They found an empty compartment near the front of the train after some searching from the back up the entire way. They all sat down in a seat and chatted about their year.
“It seems just like yesterday we were on the train to Hogwarts last September...” Hermione commented airily as she looked out the window at the landscape slowly passing. It soon became a blur as the train picked up speed from the Hogsmeade Station, seeming to slowly make its way back to King’s Cross.
“Ya, time does fly by doesn’t it?” Ron said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Hermione whacked him in the shoulder (rather hard). “’Ey!”
“Anyways, where’s Ginny...?” Hermione wondered, acting as if she hadn’t done anything.
“Probably with Neville and Loony...”
“What? She probably is! She always is actually...”
Hermione rolled her eyes.
“Well I’m going to find them,” Hermione said as she got up. She left the compartment, and Ron seemed willing to follow, leaving Dom and Harry alone in the compartment. Dom slid closer to Harry and leaned against him, his arm around her.
“So can you say you’ve had an interesting year?” Harry asked curiously.
“I’ve had similar years, but not as enjoyable as this one,” Dom responded, chuckling lightly.
“So you’re saying you’ve been kidnapped halfway through the school year before?” Harry asked cheekily. Dom rolled her eyes overdramatically.
“No, I’m just saying I’ve never had a better year, both in school and in my life altogether.”
“So you’re happy your parents got killed?”
“I’ve waited for the day,” Dom responded, shrugging. “I tried counting the days but it didn’t exactly work.”
A silence crept between the two for a long while; Ron and Hermione seem to have joined Ginny wherever she was.
“I have a question for you actually...”
“Go ahead.”
“It’s just... whenever I had my... premonitions as I’ll call them... you were always in a dungeon or in prison cell or whatever you want to call it. Where you locked inside it and used it as a room?”
“No...” Dom responded, shaking her head slowly. “But I always felt that way, like I had nowhere to go, like I was... locked away, thrown into some old place and left to suffer for the rest of my life, my only escape being the one you always saw me through, the one I never saw...” She looked up at Harry for a moment to see him looking back down with a mischievous smile. She pulled his head farther down and kissed him.
“So dreams really do come true, eh?” Harry asked after Dom pulled.
“Dreams come true,” Dom concluded with a smile.
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