I can honestly say there's only 17 chapters. Seems sudden now... seems just like yesterday I was stuck at chapter 4 with like, no readers, now it's at an end with people that enjoy reading this

I'm almost done this F.F actually, I'm on the last chapter (that's how I know). Chapter 16 is rather long to make up for chapter 15's shortness, and so far I can say the same about chapter 17.
This is one of the rare times one of my F.Fs ends happily... no deaths (no big deaths I should say) at the end

It'll probably be done by the end of the week (Sunday), so ya... just a warning that Dreams is coming to an end, and a rather close end at that (I don't wanna go on and on with this F.F, so I skipped a few months in chapter 17... hehehe...

So ya, just letting you know
