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Abigail looked back up at him, "Oh, fine I guess. What about you?" She bit her lip softly and looked at the other girl, "By the way, I've always thought being an auror would be an amazing job. But I'm going to be a photographer for the Daily Prophet." She gave a weak smile and tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear.
Eric nodded. "I'm good." He said simply and then tilted his head to one side. "Prophet photographer? Sounds like an interesting job. Anything in particular get you interested in that?" He inquired sincerely. Quote:
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Saphire smiled at Eric. "Anyways I'm sorry for bothering you.." she said and stod up. "I'm not feeling so well a bit homesick so I shall go to the lake..." she said her goodbyess and walked outside the Gryffindor common room. As she slowly walked down the moving stairs she saw something she didn't know what it was. She sighed and stopped on her tracks. It was something like a vision but it seemed so real. She closed her eyes and tried to remeber what it was about but nothing came ot her except some faint words that whispered
Eric was about to speak up telling Saphire that it was no bother, but she had already began her exit. A bit concerned over her sudden departure, he mentally shrugged it off for the moment and turned back to the other girl. "I'm afraid I didn't catch your name." Quote:
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And after hours it was. Salinea glanced back down at her pocket watch, her eyes sweeping the time. Five till midnight. It would take her that long to maneuver the dungeons back to the Common Room where the rest would be waiting.
As she walked along the empty dungeon corridors, she ran over what her father had told her. Very little, but she wasn't stupid. She could get a grasp of what was going on. Forming a group. Making alliances. Getting everything into gear before unleashing their darkness.
It was still early in the term. Their strike couldn't take place until the turn of the year, anyway. It was then that their worlds would unravel.
Quietly, she slipped into the Common Room, standing off to the shadows for a few minutes, not yet making her appearance.
Crystal peered into the mirror at her reflection, slightly turning her face to each side to check for any imperfections. Smiling in satisfaction, she rose from her chair and dropped her gaze to the small watch that she held. Ah, five minutes until midnight. She certainly hoped that they could accomplish quite a bit at this meeting. Crystal was becoming restless at the lack of progress.
Carefully smoothing a strand of hair down, she exited her room and entered the common room. Noticing that Riley was already present, Crystal gave her a silent nod in greeting. She was more concerned about where Salinea was. It was her idea after all; though knowing Salinea, she would prefer to make an entrance.