Thread: Quotable Quips
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Old 02-20-2007, 06:09 PM   #45 (permalink)
Sister Of The Moon
PKA: Dellamorte Dellamore

Flying Down Juniper
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: In A Leap Of Faith
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Neva Amos
Rock Away Blind | You Could Be My Silver Springs Blue Green Colours Flashing | Basically the Sun

Originally Posted by Julian aka hermione19882003

Julian walked out of the pub briskly with Neva in tow behind him. Once they exited, and reached the street, he released her hand and turned to her. "Sorry about that abrupt exit," he apologized. "There's just something I want to do today, and, though I wanted to wait until school started, I don't think I can wait any longer." His brown eyes flashed, and he hoped that what he was about to do wasn't going to blow up in his face. He led Neva to a bench, and sat her down. He sat down beside her, looking right at her, his heart pounding in his chest. He hoped to Merlin that he was doing this right...

Originally Posted by Neva aka Bombalurina

Neva looks somewhat bemused as Julian leads her out of the pub. She raises an eyebrow, wondering what on earth he could be planning. It must be something important she thinks to herself, smiling as her sets her down at a bench in a rather secluded area. There is a tree just behind them, weeping it's white and soft pink flower buds softly in the wind. The wind teases Neva's hair slightly, making it appear as though it is dancing.

Originally Posted by Julian

Julian looked at Neva, just watching her. Inside him, his emotions and feelings were in a whirl. He knew that he would do it, and he was somewhat eager to find out her answer. He just hoped that this didn’t blow up in his face. He took a deep breath, and grasped Neva’s hands, glad that they were out of the way of everyone else. He didn’t want people to bother them while he tried to spit this out.

“Neva,” he began, shaking slightly. He had never done this before, and he was terrified of her rejection. He just knew, though, that this was the right thing to do. He loved her, and he knew she loved him. They’d been through so much together in the short summer that they’d spent together. So much. His mind flashed to St. Mungo’s, and that night. It still pained him, but he knew that they would get through it, together.

He linked his fingers with hers and gazed into her eyes. “I know we’ve been through so much this summer,” he said, “and I know you’ve sacrificed a lot to help me. Well, you’ve helped me so much. And I only hope I can do the same.” He took another deep breath, and pulled out a small black, velvet box from his pocket. “Would you…” he opened the box to reveal a sapphire ring. It was a simple ring, a sapphire color emerald cut center stones in prongs, with small sapphire color princess cuts on the sides in channel, and small round stones in pave on the sides. “Would you marry me?” He looked at her. “Not right away, after we graduate.”

Originally Posted by Neva

Neva cocks her head to the side slightly, watching Julian thoughtfully as he appears to struggle in his speech. She had no clue what was to come, she just knew that whatever it was was very important to him. She smiles, her eyes scanning his features. His chocolate eyes, sunk deep into his face, drawing her into a deep gaze. His mouth was curled at the corner slightly, half smiling as though he posessed an awesome secret.

He speaks her name, drawing Neva's attention back to the present. She watches Julian as he fretfully speaks, her mind trying desperately to grasp what he was saying to her. The words, those two little words that could make or break a relationship, "Marry Me" echo in her ears. She looks at Julian for a moment, her neck craned forward, in apparent confusion trying to decipher what he had just asked of her. In a moment of sudden realisation, she draws her trembling hands up to cover her mouth and nose in apparent prayer, as her mouth hung open in shock. A small tear falls from the corner of her eye as she nods slowly, her eyes fixed unstirring on Julian's.


Originally Posted by Julian

Julian sat there, unknowingly holding his breath as he waited for Neva's answer. He watched her hands fly up to her mouth, and he only hoped that was a good thing. He listened for the one word that would determine the rest of their lives.

He exhaled in relief when he heard the word 'yes.' He smiled at her and lightly brushed away the tear that had fallen from her eye. "Oh, Neva," he said happily. He broke their long gaze, and looked at the ring. He plucked it from the box gently, and took her left hand in his right. He slid the ring onto her ring finger with ease as he looked up at her again. "I love you," he said simply.

Originally Posted by Neva

Neva watches Julian exhale with relief at her responce. She was still in a small state of shock. She hadn't been expecting Julian to make such a gesture of love, not so soon anyway. She was blissfuly happy, knowing in her heart that he was the one she would spend the rest of her life with. The last person she would see at night, and the first to kiss her good morning.

Neva releases her left hand to Julian's device as he places a ring on her finger. It was a beautiful ring, more than she could have ever hoped for. She looks up as the ring is set in its place. "I love you too" she beams.

Originally Posted by Julian

Julian's smile didn't cease as she returned his words. He glanced down at the ring, and knew that she was the one for him. He was a bit surprised at himself, for throwing this upon her so quickly, but he didn't care. He loved her, and he had to make sure that she wouldn't slip through his fingers. He never wanted to lose her. And he swore that he wouldn't. He leaned in close, and kissed her softly in response to her words.

In the back of his mind, he wondered what her friends would say, and if they'd approve. He didn't care though. Her love was all that matter to him.

Originally Posted by Neva

Neva smiles warmly at Julian, watching as million thoughts seem to invade his mind. All of them pleasant, it seemed. She beams as Julian leans in and kisses her, returning the pleasure only too eagerly. She places her hand onto his cheek, basking in the moment. She was sure they would only attract positive thoughts. After all, Julian was caring, warm hearted and incredibly learned. And, she must confess, a complete hottie too.
Originally Posted by Julian
Julian pulled back and smiled at her. He was so happy, words could not convey his feelings. He pulled her up and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Let's go back to the Leaky," he proposed. "I think we need to celebrate." He looked at her, amazed that she had said yes. That this beautiful creature was now his.
Originally Posted by Neva
Neva smiles as Julian takes her by the waist and guides her to her feet. She is still in a slight daze at what had just happened. She was going to be Mrs Jacobs. She walks with Julian to the Leaky Cauldron, her head resting on Julian's shoulder in contentment.


Last edited by Sister Of The Moon; 02-20-2007 at 06:16 PM.
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