Thread: Term One Notes
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Old 03-18-2004, 05:33 AM   #3 (permalink)
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OK, now that we have names out of the way lets take a brief look at birthdates and their importance into one's meaning of self or lifepath number. While your birthdate may not be unique to each person, each person is unique and may find that while sharing some traits others can be quite different. Now in dealing with birthdates we move away from our 9 number system and to an 11 number system. Therefore when reducing a birthdate to discover its meaning we no longer reduce 10 or 11 as these numbers have meanings in this system. For example:

July 23, 1979 is 07-23-1979


We stop with 11.

July 26, 1979 is 07-26-1979


Now again each of these numbers have lifepath meanings:

1 Initiative
2 Integration
3 Expression
4 Growth and Foundation
5 Vision
6 Responsibilty
7 Knowledge
8 Goals
9 Generosity
10 Dreams
11 Leadership

Try working out your birthdate to see if your meaning is applicable to you!

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