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Old 02-17-2007, 08:04 PM   #1 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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Default One Stoppe Graphic Shoppe v. 2.0
Brain Twin | MASTAH ASHURRII | Reisdent PokeNerd | Digifangirl

Hello all and welcome to One Stoppe Graphic Shoppe. As you can see, V. 2.0 this is my second grab bag. Originally I worked on OSGS with Khat and later Snoggy, but all of us got too busy to maintain it. However, I've had an itching to get back into graphic making so I've decided to go ahead and recreate One Stoppe Graphic Shoppe.

This is merely a Grab-Bag. As much as I'd love to do requests, I don't have the time for it now that I've got a job and school and other things to maintain. And. I get lazy =P I'll be honest. Actually, I have a little bit of time here and there so if you have any simple requests, go ahead and ask if any of us have the time to get to it =) So. I'm making a new Grab Bag. You may make suggestions though as to what I should make and I'll try to follow your guys' suggestions.

For those who don't know me, I'm Ashlie. =) Dont' forget to welcome Vishu! She's absolutely brilliant! =D

(I will edit in with many of my resources later ^___^)

And for a few Samples of my work:
(Older stuff)

one;; Credit me if you use; either Ashlie or One Stoppe Graphic Shoppe
two;; Don't steal. I made it, please don't claim it yours.
three;; Commentin isn't required but it's nice. Because I like to know what people think. Constructive criticism is fair.
four;; NO hotlinking. No one likes it. It steals our bandwith. Get a photobucket and store it all forever. =D
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?


Last edited by Hermione_loves_Ron; 06-18-2007 at 07:11 AM.
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