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Old 02-16-2007, 05:12 AM   #154 (permalink)
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whatever, I'm posting now
Enjoy the last chapter! (This is as good as I could make it without it sounding to corny I would've added 'and my parents' in the last sentence... I kinda didn't but ya, whatev )
You guys might not like how I got over my stuck-ness but you'd be waiting FOREVER to get another post if I went into Sirius/Dezi dialogue-age (and Draco+Hermione+Dezi dialogue-age)

Time passed by fast as Dezi talked with Sirius and then her parents. They all somehow said something about how she shouldn’t starve herself because things haven’t gone well for her.
“Well we have to go...” Hermione said.
“Will I ever get a chance to you guys again?” Dezi asked. She hoped it wasn’t the last time she’d ever get to see her parents and Sirius in ‘person’.
“We don’t really know,” Draco responded honestly. “There are so many times where we’ve visited others, and you have a certain amount of times unless you do certain favours...”
“Oh for goodness sake, Draco! If you were just more polite about it maybe you’d get more of a chance to do these things,” Hermione snapped. Sirius opened his mouth to comment.
“Don’t,” Hermione cut him off sharply before he could say anything.
“So I might never...”
“Maybe. We’ll find out,” Hermione cut Dezi off. “It seems that we can only come around in time of need.”
“I didn’t need help that bad!” Dezi exclaimed indignantly. The three, Draco, Hermione, and Sirius, chuckled.
“Look back on your life before 6th year, you’ll see what we mean,” was all Draco responded in a mysterious way.
Dezi didn’t see the point in doing what her dad said, but didn’t say (or try to think) it.
“We have to go,” Hermione said after a moment.
Dezi stepped up and hugged her mom (she found it was possible now). After a few moments, she turned to her dad and hugged him as well.
“Best for last?”
Dezi withheld a scoff, but Draco, knowing what she was going to do, scoffed for her. Dezi just rolled her eyes, went up to Sirius and hugged him as well.
“Bye,” she said to all of them as they started to disappear in front of them. The three of them smiled and vanished in front of her eyes.
“I still don’t see why you had to come, Black,” Dezi hear faintly as she was slowly pulled away from Limbo.

Dezi shot up out of bed. She looked around frantically but saw nothing but the four posters that made up her bed, a dresser, a mirror, a bedside table and a bunch of pictures set up on the extra spaces. She thought about what she was told as her stomach rumbled in complaint.
Looking at her alarm clock, Dezi saw it was only 4:30am. She quietly got out of bed and tip-toed out of her room, down the stairs and into the kitchen, managing to get past the portrait of Mrs. Black without being noticed.
Dezi walked into the kitchen and conjured up a bowl of corn flakes with milk, a pile of pancakes and orange juice. She sat down and was about to eat when she heard the creaking and groaning of the house. She flicked her wand at the radio and magically scrolled through the stations until she found the muggle music station she enjoyed listening to.
She started crunching away at her corn flakes when the music stopped on the radio.
“That was Jordan Pruitt’s Outside Looking In live from the studio. Thank you for your time, Jordan. Up next is Cause Your Watching Over Me by Alexz Johnson!”
Dezi finished her corn flakes quickly and went onto her pancakes. She stopped when the song started.

You lift me up, I touch the sky
When there's a tear you wipe my eye
Everyone I think should know
Where I am you always go

I close my eyes I know you're here
Open them wide and you appear

I am always safe and free
Cause you're watching over me

From the biggest cloud up in the sky
To a tiny spot upon a fly, yeah
Everywhere I choose to be
You are watching over me

I close my eyes I know you're here
Open them wide and you appear

I am always safe and free
Cause you're watching over me
You are shadow, you are light
You take the darkness from the night
I am always safe and free
Cause you're watching over me

As the song ended, Dezi felt tears prick her eyes. The song did make her think of her past year, how she had gone from depressed to blissful, all because of one change in her life, one guy changed everything for her. He showed her a new side to life, a reason to live.
Even though Sirius isn’t here anymore, he’ll always be watching over me.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
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