Thread: Harry Potter: Hopelessly Devoted to You - Sa13+
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Old 02-14-2007, 03:04 AM   #36 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sylvannas Quickspeed
Ravenclaw Chapter 11

The next day, Draco was released from the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey let him leave late in the afternoon, giving him all kinds of advice on if pain returned. Draco tried to tell her that all it was was a simple fight, but Madam Pomfrey waved it off and swept him out the door. Draco breathed and stretched.

"...think I'll go for a walk..." He muttered to himself, and decided to follow his advice. He walked outside the castle and onto the Grounds. And the first person he came across was...Pansy.

"Oh no..." Draco tried to duck, but that girl was like a dog. She could smell him a mile off. And with almost a sonic boom, Pansy was hanging off his arm like a growth.

"Oh Draco, why didn't you tell me you were in the Hosptial Wing? You poor boy! Let me help you." And Draco was whisked away by Pansy to a secluded spot by the Grove. She forced him down onto the ground and sat on his lap. "Isn't this better?" She began to make out with him.

Draco pulled away, disgusted.

"Pansy, get the hell off me." She protested, but Draco shoved her off.

"But Draco.." She whined, and Draco cringed.

"Oh cut the crap Parkinson. You don't love me. I'm just like a trophy to you. All glammer, but no real meaning. You just like showing me off, don't you?"

Pansy opened her mouth to protest again, but Draco cut her off.

"Yes you do. Well, I'm not going to allow it anymore Parkinson. We're through. Although I can't see how that could be, since we never were."

Draco walked away. He felt two hands turn him around, and a fist connected with his mouth.

"A trophy? Where did you get that idea? From your muggle girlfriend?" I thought you left mudblood's alone! Or is Granger all of a sudden a goddess now, now that she's your fiancee?"

Draco turned around slowly, his pale grey eyes burning. Pansy stepped back, afraid. He wiped he blood coming from his lip, and spoke in a dead, hollow voice.

"'ve been reading my mail."

"Well, I-"

"You went though my private things. You betrayed my trust. Get out. You're lucky I don't kill you right here and now."

"Don't you talk to me that way!" Pansy shrieked, and pulled out her wand. Draco reached for his, but it was gone. She waved it in front of his face, and laughed.

"Not so tough without your wand, huh?" Pansy giggled, and prepared to speak an incantation. But suddenly, Draco's wand flew out of her hand. "What the-?"

"Not the smartest one in Defense Against the Dark Arts, are you Parkinson?" A voice mocked, and Hermione Granger stepped out from behind one of the trees. Draco stared at her, suprised. She turned to him "I'm not here you you, Malfoy. I'm here merely because I don't like Parkinson."

"Why you little sl*t! Don't you dare come between me and Draco!" Pansy shrieked, but Hermione shot out another nonverbal spell, and Pansy's wand also flew into Hermione's hand. Hermione threw Draco back his own wand, and the two cornered Pansy.

Pansy snarled like a trapped animal. "You filthy, stinking mudblood...I'll get you for this!"

"But not today Parkinson, nor any other day, while she's still my fiancee!" Draco pointed his wand at her throat. She growled, and grabbed her wand while Hermione was off guard. Pansy ran off out of the Grove.

Hermione lowered her wand.

"Why did you come back for me?" Draco asked. Hermione was silent. "Hermione?"

" were right. And...I'm afraid that you're right." Hermione refused to meet his eyes.

"But why are you afraid to love me? I'm willing to try it. Can't you?"

"NO! I don't want to give up Harry! And yet...I can't keep deceiving him like this. It's not fair to him, you, or me."

"Hermione-" Draco tried to move forward, but Hermione went backwards.

"I have to go." Hermione said thickly, and left the Grove. Draco sighed, and also left the Grove.

As Draco left, he heard a rustle in the bushes. Wand out, he moved towards it warily. It shook again, and Draco kicked it.

"Ouch!" The bush said, and Draco gave it a wierd look. "Stop that, it hurts!"

"I'm sorry." Draco started to say, then stopped himself. "Wait, why would I apologise to a bush?"

"I'm not as bush! It's me, Ron!" Ronscrambled out of the bush, and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Nice house Weasly."

"Knock it off. What's up between you and Hermione?" Ron made a threatening step towards Draco, but Draco raised his hands up in defense.

"Chill Weasly. There's nothing-"

"Gimmie a break Malfoy. I know you two are betrothed to one another. But, what are you going to do about Harry? He loves her you know."

"I know. And she's working on it. She's very confused about the whole thing. Our parents are very adament, and they're not going to give this up."

Ron sighed.

"Well, you two had better figure something out, because Hermione might have a breakdown. And if she does, I'm blaming you."

Ron walked out, and Draco cursed.

Why did he get out of the Hospital Wing anyway?

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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