{:Jamie-Lee Crawford:} Full Name: Jamie-Lee Crawford
Nickname(s): Jamie, Lee, Jammie... whatever you feel the need to call her.
Age: 16
Year: 6
DoB: April 13th
House: Hufflepuff
Hair: Long, straight red hair, hangs all the way down her back.
Eyes: blue
Height: She is 5'4
Build: Slim, small boned, very vulnerable looking. Not strong whatsoever.
Explains enough i'm sure ^.^.
Credit. Personality: Jamie-Lee is one of the nice girls. She does not like to draw attention to herself and trys to stay out of big crowds. She hates being complimented because she doesnt know how to handle the thanks, but she will go out of her way to make anyone else feel good about themselves. Unfortunately Jamie-Lee can sometimes takes jokes seriously. She finds it hard to distinguish between the both.
Extra: Jamie-Lee is Huffie Prefect (cause I said so
) AND she fancies the pants off of Nolan, but is too embaressed to say.