Let the Rain Come Down
By: Athena M. Evans
Time Period: Post HBP
Characters: Most of the major characters from the Harry Potter series.
Summary: My story begins after Harry’s sixth year, and in the style of J.K. Rowling, covers his seventh year. Voldemort has been defeated prior to the beginning of the story, however various other threats arise. Harry experiences flashbacks that clue us into what happened leading up to and the final battle. We meet not only Dumbledore, but also Harry’s parents and Sirius.
When I began this story, it was purely a list of questions that I had and hoped would be answered. I began speculating on possible outcomes and scenarios. This story is a compilation of theories that I have gathered throughout the years while reading the Harry Potter series. These are some possible answers to many of the questions that I have asked. This is, in essence, my musings all wrapped up into to one, hopefully enjoyable, reading experience.
Disclaimer: All characters, places, and events are property of J. K. Rowling, the esteemed author of the Harry Potter series. This story is not for profit, but merely for my (and hopefully other’s) pleasure and a means to an end to allow me to concentrate on other things (instead of just Harry Potter
AN: This is my first fan fiction and my first real story that I have allowed other people to read. I love constructive criticism and would be most appreciative to any advice that anyone has to help improve my writing.
While I have tried to stay canon with my story, some parts have non-canon ideas in order to make the story flow the way I wanted. I have tried to stay strictly canon with information leading of to HBP, however the future may or may not be canon based. For this I apologize, but hope you enjoy my story none the less.
One more quick note, I am posting this fic on another website, under the same pseudonym, just a quick let know.
Thank you all in advance for reading my fic! Quick Chapter Guide: Prologue Chapter 1: The Burrow Chapter 2: A Special Delivery Chapter 3: The Man in the Portrait Chapter 4: Snape’s Misfortune Chapter 5: Recollections Chapter 6: An Unexpected Guest Chapter 7: The Leaky Cauldron Chapter 8: Godric’s Hollow Chapter 9: Diagon Alley Chapter 10: Wizarding Wheezes Chapter 11: The Wand Keeper Chapter 12: 66 Godrics Road Chapter 13: Dobby’s Surprise Chapter 14: Number 12 Grimmuald Place Chapter 15: A Birthday Surprise Chapter 16: News From Beyond Chapter 17: The Elf, the Closet and the Locket Chapter 18: A Flying Great Time Chapter 19: The First Battle Chapter 20: The Beginning
Chapter 21: Rights of Passage
Part A: Monster from the Deep Part B: Truth and Lies: Part C: The Riddles Chapter 22: The Founders
No Chapter 23 or 24
Chapter 25: Birthday Party, Interrupted Chapter 26: Flight of the Phoenix Chapter 27: The Vow Chapter 28: The Ministry of Magic Chapter 29: The Closed Ward Chapter 30: Sirius’ Surprise Chapter 29: The New Lord Chapter 30: An Enemy Revealed Chapter 31: In Memory of the Veil Chapter 32: Rescue Mission Impossible Chapter 32 Continued Chapter 33: The New Dark Lord Chapter 34: Unfinished Business Chapter 35: The Reunion Chapter 35 Continued Chapter 36: The Mauraders Chapter 36 Continued Chapter 37: Occlumency and the Animagus Chapter 38: Draco Malfoy Chapter 38 Continued Chapter 38 Continued Chapter 38 Continued Chapter 38 Continued Chapter 39: Rehabilitation Chapter 39 Continued Chapter 39 Continued Chapter 40: Nightmares and Dreamscapes Chapter 40 Continued Chapter 41: Revelations Chapter 41 Continued Chapter 41 Continued Chapter 42: Lessons Chapter 43: The Legilimens, the Occlumens and the Animagus Chapter 44: Animagi Revealed Chapter 45: Murder on the Hogwarts Express Chapter 46: The Great Snape Escape Epilogue: 12 years later Prologue
He awoke suddenly out of a restless sleep. It had happened again. He sat up and drew his knees up to his chest, completely drenched in sweat. He tried to push the remnants of the dream out of his mind as he blindly looked around the room, his eyes unaccustomed to the darkness. Still gasping for air, he tightly shut his eyes in attempts to keep the tears running down his face at bay. Leaning his head back against the wall, he struggled to control the rush of emotions tearing through him.
It had been a week since the last battle where he had battled with Lord Voldemort and against all odds, won. A week since he had destroyed Lord Voldemort’s wand…just in case.
He heard frantic footsteps running down the hall and his door slammed open. “Are you ok honey?” a woman’s worried voice asked him.
A second voice asked from the doorway, “It happened again, didn’t it Harry? When will these nightmares stop?”
"It’s only been a week, James.” The woman chided in hushed tones.
Until this point he hadn’t even realized that he had screamed.
It had been a week since he discovered the true power and meaning of Priori Incantatem
Harry opened his eyes, and tried to smile into the eyes identical to his own, “I’m ok now, Mum. Sorry to wake you, Dad.”
“Nonsense!” dismissed his mother, “You father is just grouchy; he stayed up far too late last night.” Although her voice was sounded stern, she had a twinkle in her eyes and barely repressed her giggle.
Harry rolled his eyes and putting on his glasses, looked at the clock., “6:00am,” he thought, “might as well get up, no use trying to get more sleep.”
As he got dressed he was unable to keep his mind from taking him back.