i want to thank all my readers who have supported this fic from the beginning, and the fans that hopped in on the joy ride throughout the story. you really kept me motivated and wanting the post! here is the final post, and i want to thank you so much for allowing me to finish this story...(my 2nd finished one!)...here you go!: Chapter 24: Hurt - Christina Aguilera It's been two years since we had ice cream at Flortescue's/ Delaney was just about to start for her 3rd year and Dawn turned one recently. I've been having dreams of him lateley. We'd be getting married or playing with our children or just lounging on the couch with my head in his lap. And other times, my dreams would go back to memories of us in seventh year. I hated it. "Morning darling," Brenneck mumbed and rolled over to kiss me on my forehead. No response from me. "S'pose I should start the coffee then.." He climbed out of the bed and waddled out of the room. Now I rolled out of ther bed too and padded into the bathroom. I sank down into my cushioned chair infront of the larg mirror. I took one look at myself, and the tears started to fall. "Mum?" Delaney was standing in the doorway. "Are you okay?" "Come here, honey...But close the door behind you." Delaney shut the door and sat on the floor in front of me. "Mum, what's the matter? Is it Dad?" Delaney was worried. "No, no. Brenneck's just fine. No. Let me tell you a little history about myself.." Delaney nodded. "When I was in my seventh year at Hogwarts I fell for this boy. Now this boy and I had been enemies from the moment I first got to the school! But when we were named Head Boy and Girl, something had changed. We dated the whole term - and we were inseprable. Right up until a few months before graduation, I had told him that I loved him - but he didn't love me. Well, he didn't answer me anyway. After that we never spole again until seven years later, two years ago, when I met him at Flourish and Blott's. The day I took you shopping for your books. We talked for awhile and I realized how much I missed him..and loved him. REcently, I've been having dreams of him. Dreams of old times we had shared together and how our lives could have ended up. It's been really getting to me and it tears me apart, Dal." I broke down again. "Mum, mum. It's okay. Why don't you call him? Meet up again..It might do some good," Delaney consoled. "I'm afraid I'll get attached again," I weeped. There was a knock at the door. "Sweetie? There's a bloke on the phone for you..Says he's got some news..," Brenneck's voice said through the door. "Mum's on the loo, Dad! Here. I'll take the phone to her," Delaney called and she cracked the door open enough to take the phone from Brenneck. I mouthed a thank you to her and took the phone from her hands. "Hello?" I said into the reciever. "Hermione Granger? It's..been a long time. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I even said a word to you.." "Erm, this is she." "Yeah, this is Blaise Zabini..From school ages ago? I've called to bring some..rather bad news." Blaise Zabini? Wow..This is..rare. "News? Of what sort? You're making me worry.." Delaney's eyes got big. "See..Hermione, Draco Malfoy....he past away..Or rather, he was found dead." The phone fell from my hand. My mind blanked and I couldn't move. From my perpherial vision, I could see Delaney rush to pick up the phone. "Mum...Mum..MUM!" Delaney was shaking my arm. "He is not..dead." "Mum, Mr. Zabini said that they found him dead a few yards away from his home. He says his father killed him with the Killing Curse and then killed himself. He says that Draco had a letter in his hand and it was...it was addressed to you..Mr. Zabini says he's willing to read it to you, if you'd come to the phone." Soundlessly, Delaney handed me the phone, and shakily, I put it back to my ear. "I'm..here.." "Right..Erm, the letter says: Dearest Hermione, I think my father is on my tail. We had had a horrible fight and there is a sick feeling in my stomach...I wanted to tell you this in case of something bad happening to me...What you had said to me nine years ago, has never left my mind since. Mostly because that I never got to tell you how I truly felt...I am really naieve about now I am really finding my feelings for you. I love you, Hermione J. Granger. And I will always. You are now married, and unfortunatley, this is the best I can do with my feelings at this point. I do not wish to cause turmoil within your personal life, but like I had said, I needed to get this out before possible future events. Best of luck, Draco.. And that's it...There will be a service next Saturday..I hope you can attend." And click went the line. I'm sorry for..blamin you for everything I just couldn't do and I hurt myself by hurtin you..If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much I've missed you since you been awayyy...Oh, it's dangerous..It's so out of line to try and turn back time.. The end. |