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Old 03-14-2004, 08:39 PM   #9 (permalink)
meesimouseiskool's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Posts: 838

Hey! Thankz to The_Revenge_of_the_Nerds for ideas to help me write this post...


Hermione groaned. She had just come back from detention. McGonagall had decided that they should all be assigned detention with different teachers. The friends had all crossed fingers for Hagrid, but Goyle got him. Ron looked like he wanted to punch his brains out. He got Snape. Harry got Professer Sprout, Neville got Professer Trelawny (Spelling?), Malfoy got Professer Flitwick, Crabbe got Professer Binns, and Hermione got Professor McGonagall. She had spent two hours cleaning the classrooms. Then she had gone to dinner. Ron and Harry both left in the middle of dinner, and they still weren't back. Malfoy and Neville got it the hardest becuase they were the ones participating in the duel.

Hermione lay back into her favorite chair. Suddenly, a small piece of paper caught her eye. It was a small wrinkled piece of parchment, lightly stained with ink. Her name was written on the front. She opened the small piece of paper and sighed when she read it.

Can you do me a favor? Go to the library and pick up the following books-
"Owl Care"
"How to Please an Owl"
"An Owl's Favorite Things"
"Five Minute Owl Treats"

Pig is acting up. See you. -Ron

Hermione groaned. So THAT was what the screeching was! She rolled over, grabbed her bag, and ran out the door.


Hermione was lurking around the library, looking for Ron's books when she caught sight of a boy. She couldn't exactly see his face, but she assumed that he was older. She wondered why she hadn't seen him before. She tried not to be interested, but she couldn't help it. She watched him out of the corner of her eye when Ginny ran up to her.

"Hey Hermione," she chirped. "I thought you were in detention."

Hermione groaned. "I was. I worked in McGonagall's office till 6."

Ginny groaned. "Ouch." She pulled a fat book off the shelf and flipped through it. Then she leaned toward Hermione. "Hey Hermione," she giggled. "See that guy over there?"

Hermione turned around, and realized in horror that Ginny was gesturing to the same guy she was looking at before. She turned back to Ginny. "Yeah?" she said with growing enthusiasm.

Ginny giggled. "He's extremley cute, isn't he?"

Hermione tittered. "Well, he is comely, if that's what you mean."

Ginny just stared at her. "Comely? English, please."

Hermione sighed. "Cute. Attractive. Good-looking."

Ginny giggled. "I heard he was a Ravenclaw seventh year. He's really cute." They both wandered over to a nearer shelf and crouched down, peering at him. He was cute. He had hazel colored hair, with deep brown eyes. He had a soft touching of freckles, too. He was very tanned. After watching him for awhile, Ginny jumped up and grabbed Hermione's wrist. "I'm gunna go flirt with him. You come too, Hermione." Hermione tugged her wrist from Ginny's grip, but Ginny resisted. Finally, Hermione gave in and reluctenly followed Ginny over to the cute guy. He noticed them and walked over.

"Hey," he said. He had a thick accent. It was very attractive. Ginny was first to strike.

"Hey," she said, titing her head a little. "I'm Ginny, and this is Hermione." Hermione shifted her books, and flipped her hair a little.

"Hey, she said.

He grinned."I'm Joey. You guys sixth years?"

Ginny giggled. "I'm not," she said. "But Hermione is." She gave Hermione a teeny tiny shove. She leaned close to her and whispered, "He likes you. I gotta get more books. I'll meet you at the Gryffindor Common Room." Hermione giggled and leaned towards Ginny.

"Don't you like him too?" she asked.

Ginny shook her head. "Yeah, but it's just fun flirting. Besides, I'm already taken." She giggled and left Hermione there.

Hermione talked with Joey for about ten minutes more, and then went back to the Common Room to meet Ginny.

Sure enough, after entering the Common Room, Ginny was sitting opposite the fire, waiting for Hermione. She smiled. "So?"

Hermione giggled. "I'm going to Hogsmeade with him," she replied. "This Saturday."


~Une rose est beauté*-
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