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Old 02-02-2007, 05:30 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Susan Potter
Smile Chapter Five continued

Alright here's the next little bit for chapter five. Hope it good or even excellent. But one can always hope can't they? Well enjoy!!!!

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“So when do you think Alex is going to ask?” Tonks asked Ginny. As they sat in the living room at ‘Potter Castle’ with Hermione.

“Don’t know. According to the Royal Family law, Alex needs to ask Harry for her hand in marriage before he can ask Lily.” Ginny said quoting the Family law.

“Why does the Royal Family have so many laws? They can’t live on their own until their married, they have to have the father’s permission before asking the girl! What else does other Laws does the family have?” Hermione asked.

“Well in Harry’s case, since he was the last living member before he married me, he was given the time frame of a year to court and marry. Since James isn’t our only Heir he didn’t have to marry between the age of seventeen and eighteen. But James will have to marry before he takes the throne after Harry. And he has to marry a red head.” Ginny said sipping her tea.

“Has James been seeing some one? I saw him the other day with a very beautiful red head that wasn’t one of his sisters.” Tonks said with a smile.

“If he has, he hasn’t brought her here to meet us.” Ginny said. “Lily went out with Max for a whole year before she introduced him to us. I think they want to make sure their boyfriend or girlfriends are able to handle meeting so many people before they bring them around.”

“Harry’s going to have a hard time when Susie brings her first boyfriend home.” Hermione said.

“Yeah Susie is the apply of Harry’s eye, just as Lily is.” Ginny said, smiling at how much the two sister’s looked so much like their grandmother Lily. While Kate and Ginger took after her. “I’m positive Harry will give Alex his blessing no matter what.”

“Why do you day that?” Hermione asked.

“Think about it ‘Mione. Alex is Harry’s Godson, for one thing. Alex is also the only other person that knows how to get Lily to calm down from one of her angry moments or when she’s upset.” Ginny said.

“And Harry also knows that Alex would do anything to make sure Lily is happy.” Tonks added. “And didn’t Lily say that Harry was pushing her to see Alex for who he really was?”

“Yeah she did, when they had their big fight in the hall.” Ginny said thinking back four month’s ago. “Wouldn’t it be great for Alex to ask her to marry him on her birthday?”

“Ginny I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves. He hasn’t even asked Harry yet has he?” Hermione said thinking logically for the three of them.

“If he did Harry hasn’t told me. And you both know I can tell when Harry keeps something away from me.” Ginny asked.

“Alex talked to Remus about it the other day. Remus said Alex didn’t to tell her a secret before he took the next step.” Tonks said.

“Hopefully he’ll ask soon. I want to have the best wedding for Lily.” Ginny said.

“I’m sure he will. Give it time and it will happen.” Hermione said.

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There was a knock on the door of Harry’s office. “Come in!” He said reading over some paper work for the Ministry. The door opened to revile Alex. “Ah Alex what can I do for you my dear boy?” Harry asked looking up from the paper work. He could tell Alex was a little nervous about something but couldn’t think of what he could be nervous about. Alex walked into the office and stood before Harry in front of his desk, and took a deep breath.

“Sir may I have an audience with you?” Alex asked, squaring his shoulders and looking Harry straight in his emerald green eyes. The very eyes that could burn a hole in anyone’s soul. Harry smiled at him and nodded his head. Now he knew the reason why Alex was here.

“Yes you may.” Harry answered with a smile. “What can I do for you young sir?”

“I here to ask you for your eldest draught’s hand in marriage sir?” Alex asked not breaking the eye connection with Harry. Alex had learn long ago that the best way for Harry to trust you was to look him dead in the eye and not break the connection at any coast. That and Remus had told him that when asking the father of the woman you love for her hand, that it was a good sign for the young mad to be brave enough to face her father is asking of his blessing.

“Do you love her?” Harry asked knowing that Alex did in fact love Lily.

“Yes sir.” Alex answered with out hesitation. He was still looking Harry in the eye.

“Will you support her and take care of her?” Harry asked, again knowing both would be true.

“Yes sir.” Alex answered again with out hesitation. Harry watched him. Thinking of the choice laid before him. He could say no and have Lily’s heart ripped in two, or she and Alex would elope and have her would be not be aloud to hold the title of ‘Crowned Princess of Wizards’ anymore. Or his other choice of giving his blessing and having Lily happier than anyone he ever knew. Alex truly loved Lily, Harry knew that. And no matter what he said their souls where already matted and could be broken. Harry had made sure that would happen through Lily’s crystal heart necklace. He had hated Max the very first time he met him and didn’t wont Lily to end up in a marriage ith him. Alex on the other hand was more perfect for Lily in everyone’s eyes.

“Well Alex. I see no other choice for me to give. I give you the blessing of the Royal Family to marry my eldest daughter.” Harry said standing up and holding out his hand. He saw relief flood Alex’s face.

“Thank you sir. Thank you very much.” Alex said with a wide smile.

“And Alex. . . .” Harry said. “Never call me sir again. It’s either Dad or Harry for now on.”

“Yes si. . . .Harry” Alex said. Than he turned away and walked out of the office with the biggest smile Harry ever saw on his Godson’s face. Harry sat back down in his seat behind his desk and leaned back in the chair. Lily was going to be the first of his eight kids that would marry. He had always thought that it would be either James or Sirius that would marry first. ‘Good things come to those who don’t ask for it.’ Harry thought to himself.

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So what did you guys think? Was it good? Now i just need to write a little bit more of what Max is plaining to do and Alex proposeing to Lily. And what's this about James see someone? I wounder if Sirius is seeing someone as well? Humm? Who's know's i'll tell you when it all comes up again. Tell me what you think and i love you all you wonderful readers. Till next time.
To Love A Potter Princess

Last edited by susanpotter; 02-02-2007 at 08:50 AM.
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