Originally Posted by
D.A Forever
Evil Evil Twitchy little ferret Draco Malfoy!! :hack:
The rest of the family should have Hexed him into a snail last time he was at the castle! then fed him to hedwig!
That was an awesome post!!
Very Funny!

Very awesome and yes i would love to hex Draco Malfoy as well as Max. But any way on to good a better things. Now my last post i had Alex talking with Remus about telling Lily the truth of what he knew of Max. So here's the next section of chapter five. Let's see what Lily has to say about it all shall we?
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“Lily!” came a voice from behind Lily as she sat on the stone bench in the middle of the garden watching the water fountain. She turned around to see Alex.
“Alex, we didn’t have anything plain for today did we?” Lily asked feeling like she forgot something, as she stood up to give him a hug and kiss.
“No, I just came by to see you.” Alex said. “And I also need to tell you something important.”
“What do you mean?” She asked as Alex sat her back down on the bench and sat with her.
“Merlin. . . .there is no easy way to say this.” Alex said running a hand through his hair.
“Alex just spit it out.” Lily said studying his face.
“I knew what Max was before you introduced him to all of us at you seventeenth birthday ball.” Alex said in a low whisper. Not looking Lily in the eye.
“Why didn’t you tell me before I found out the hard way?” Lily asked. Alex didn’t note any anger or any hint of being upset in her voice.
“I thought I’d should give him a chance to show me he’d changed or the best.” Alex answered. “Lily. . . .I. . . .I didn’t tell anyone because I saw how happy you where and I didn’t want to ruin your happiness.” Alex looked up at her. He looked into her emerald green cat like eyes. She showed no emotion of any kind in those eyes. This scared him a little.
“How did you know him before I introduced him to everyone else?” She asked looking him in his baby blue eyes. Studying, searching for the truth behind his words and she had found no lie in them.
“I meet him when dad signed me up for a Quidditch camp when we where about thirteen.” Alex answered. “After that we became something of best friends. We owled each other, met a few time during summer vacations. It wasn’t until two years ago that I told him I loved you. In return he told me who his real father was and what he did for a living. Max knew I was against everything Mr. Malfoy was teaching him. And we started to drift apart.” Alex said these words all the while looking Lily in the eye. “I thought that I was done with him until I saw him at your birthday ball. I guess after that I let my jealousy get control and you know the rest of it.” Lily didn’t say anything as Alex looked sheepishly down at his feet. “For the past three day’s I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you. I figured that I should keep secrets from you anymore. And when I asked dad what I should do he said to tell you myself and not let anyone else tell you first.”
“Thank you Alex.” she finally said causing Alex to look at her. “It means a lot to me that you don’t want to keep secrets. And I love the more because of it.” She reached up and creased his cheek with her hand.
“So you forgive me for not telling you right away?” Alex asked.
“Of course I do. I knew there was something on your mind of late. But I didn’t want to force you to tell me.” Lily answered with a smile and a soft laugh.
“You know you never told me why this is your favorite spot out of the whole garden.” Alex said looking around.
“Because this is where we first became best friends.” Lily answered shyly.
“What do you mean?” Alex looked at her with confusion.
“When we where five. I was crying on this very bench because James and Sirius where being mean to me. Kate and Ginger just wanted to play with their dolls. Art and Drew where doing Merlin knows what. And Susie was still a baby.” Lily said thinking back to that very day. “You found me here crying my eyes out because I felt so alone. Jane had gone somewhere with Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron so I did have anyone I knew to play with, well until you showed up that is.”
“Yeah but we played together before that didn’t we?” Alex asked.
“Yeah but that was with my siblings and it was usually a group game. Not just the two or three of us.” Lily answered. “It was after that your parents let you keep coming back to the castle to play with me.”
“Just goes to show you how much I pay attention, doesn’t it?” Alex asked with amusement. As Lily giggled at him taking his hand in hers as they sat there talking.
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Well what do ya think? I think Lily took the news better than i thought she would. But that's what i wanted her to do so i knew it would happen that way. Anyway, i know it's short but that's all i have for right know. Hopfully i can get Alex to ask Harry for Lily's hand in marrage and have Max completly out of the picture by the end of the chapter but i highly dought that will happen i do need him for latter chapters. And yes i think i can have the family hex him in the future. Thank D.A.Forever for that sugguestion. I did not think about that. I'm sure Fred and George would just love to play a prank on him

Keep reading and reply please. I love ya all