Chapter Five
Hey guys, i've got it. I've got chapter five started and it's good i think. I hope you love it. Thank you oh so very much for reading. i won't keep you anylonger than i have too. SO here's the beinging of Chapter five.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter Five
The Perfect Proposal
It had been four months since Lily and Max broke up and Lily got with Alex. She was happy, very happy. But there was still something bugging her about Max’s words when he left the castle that night. ‘This isn’t over Lillian! In the end you will be mine!’ But she knew that could never happen. Alex and her souls had been matted as one. There was no way to brake that bond between them now. And to tell you the truth Lily didn’t want to brake that bone. She had finally found what she had always been looking for. She had found her soul mate, her true love. The very person she could always turn to when things went horrible wrong. ‘But why the feeling of. . . .’ she didn’t even know what word to use for the feel she was having. She shock her head trying to clear it. But Max’s words still hunted her. ‘I have to shack this.’ She said told herself, as she sat in her sitting room. ‘Come on Lily. Don’t listen to his words. He lied to you. You hate being lied too. Think of your love for Alex. He’s your true love. Thank of that. And this will all go away.’ She closed her cat like eyes and took several deep breaths. When she re-opened her eyes she seemed to be fine. Yes, she was going to be fine. Everything was much better now.
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The room was dark except for the fire in the fire place. “Ah Max!” Said a voice from the chair that sat in front of the fire. “How may I help you?”
“My Lord, she has chosen to be with the part Werewolf Alexander Lupin.” Max answered in a disgusted voice to the man in the chair.
“Do not fear my dear son. You’ll have Princess Lillian as your own soon.” the man answered. “Once she is told the truth of him knowing you, then she’ll have to choose you.”
“But they have bonded their souls together. We can not brake that no matter what we do!” Max said.
“My dear Max. You are not thinking clearly.” the man said standing up from the chair. He was tall. And he had bleached blood hair, much like Max’s. He turned to Max. “We simply have to kill Alex. Then the bond they have will not matter.” he smiled, an evil smile. “And then our dear Princess Lillian will be yours to have.”
“Thank you father. I will get a team together for Lupin’s demise.” Max said bowing to the man then leaving the dark room, with his own evil smile.
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“Alex?” came a voice from the hall way.
“In here dad.” Alex called from the couch in front of the fire place. He looked up to see Remus walk into the living room.
“I thought you where going out with Lily tonight?” Remus asked.
“No we didn’t have plains for tonight.” Alex said, looking back at the fire in thought.
“So what’s on your mind?” Remus asked, seeing Alex thinking of something. Alex didn’t answer. So Remus took a shot in the dark. “Let me guess Lily?”
“Yeah.” Alex answered not looking at his father. Remus smiled and sat down beside his eldest son. “I’m thinking about asking her to marry me.”
“That’s good isn’t it?” Remus asked.
“Yes and then no.” Alex said. “Don’t get me wrong. I love Lily with my whole being but I’ve lied to her about something and I don’t know how to tell her the truth.”
“What did you lie about?” Remus asked.
“When Lily kicked Max out of the castle on Christmas Eve. She asked me to promise to never lie to her.” Alex said running a hand through his sandy-brown hair.
“So?” asked Remus.
“Uncle Harry never told me Max was the son of Draco Malfoy. I’m sure you caught that I called him Malfoy instead of Smith at the Ball.” Alex said.
“You knew who he was before the rest of us didn’t you?” Remus asked.
“Yes, and I had ever chance possible to tell you all he truth about him.” Alex said. “But I should have told Lily right off.”
“But you didn’t.” Remus said watching the fire now as well.
“I thought he had changed. I was giving him a chance to show me he had changed.” Alex confessed. “I don’t know what to do anymore. I know he’s going to try and get Lily back. And I’d do anything to make sure he doesn’t.”
“Alex calm down. None of the family likes Max anymore after we were all told what he is. We’re not going to let that happen. Especially Lily and Harry.” Remus said placing a hand on Alex’s shoulder. “But you need to tell Lily what you know of Max. then no more ling after that.”
“But how?” Alex asked looking at his father.
“Easy. Just tell her you need to tell her something important. She may think it’s a proposal at first but it’s you who has to tell her.” Remus said. “If she found out about you knowing before the rest of us knew, well you know how angry she can get. And by finding out from a different person that’s not you. She’ll feel betrayed.”
“Thanks dad.” Alex said standing up.
“Your welcome. If your going over to the castle say hi for me.” Remus said, Alex gave him a nod before he took floo powered and flooed away in the green flames.
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So what do you guys think? Who's that man Max was talking to? What's Max up to now? Will Alex tell Lily the truth? Will he ask her to marry him? Who know's, we'll find out in the next few postes!!!!! Love ya guys with all my heart. Keep posting replies and reading!!!!!
__________________ To Love A Potter Princess |