Thread: Quotable Quips
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Old 01-30-2007, 11:12 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Eh, i just thought that this was a really sad thing yet oddly adorable little goodbye in the library.

Originally Posted by simbi0sis
He sat down his eyes roving the page. His dark hair shrouding his face from view. The worst thing that could have happened had happened and there was no timeturner to stop the world and fix it. The pages blurred for a minute and water fell on one of the pages making a stain where it landed on the tiny print. He refocussed the page and continued as if nothing had happened.

If she had to go he'd make the best of it but not before he told her something. Something very important. The tears came again but he brushed them away. He was halfway through the book and had been here for only half-an-hour. He let his thoughts drift vaguely for awhile before returning to the page.

The book slipped out of his hands and landed with a soft flump on the floor. Cushioned by its leather binding. The reader was slumped in the seat safe in the knowledge that the book was completed. His eyes were closed and flickered somewhat as dreamland approached. He was asleep.
Originally Posted by Katerina Savoy
A creature of habit, Kat sought comfort in her passion for books. Unfortuntely, the homely comforts of home didn't seem right, so the Room of Requirement was out. Instead, Kat found herself within Hogwarts' immense library.

Taking a random book off the shelf, Kat curled up in a chair and began reading or at least appearing to read as she stared into space, completely unaware that Tristen was just around the corner of the stacks.
Originally Posted by starlightangel
Erinelle guessed that Tristen would be in the Library. It was the place he had run too when he was upset about his accent and it had soothed him. She hunted about, mopping up her tears and looked about. Spotting the boy in a chair, and smiled slightly, noticing he was asleep. She hurried over and shook him gently, not noticing Kat around the corner.
"Tristen?" She asked quietly, shaking him slightly, "Tristen?"
Originally Posted by Tristen
He rolled over uincomfortable. The cause of the dicomfort didn't stop. He sat up but didn't seem conscious of what was going on. "Para" he commanded and slumped back down. The violent collapse awakened him and he looked around. The Library. Erinelle. He must have fallen asleep. "Oh, uh, hey Erinelle." he said unable to formulate further intelligent thought.
Originally Posted by Erinelle
She smiled softly, and looked at his awoken state, "You left the common room so quickly i didn't get a chance to say goodbye, i mean, i see you so rarely i might not have another chance..." She said quietly, dispair staining her rather beautiful face.
Originally Posted by Tristen
"Yeah," he groaned stiff from lying in the same position. He got up and slouched over to a window. "Why do you have to leave anyway?" he said tension growing in him to replace the sorrow.
Originally Posted by Erinelle
Erinelle watched him distraught, "you think i want to go?" She asked, noticing the faint traces of tears upon his face and the agitated answer and she knew he was upset. "My mother is so insistent!" She exclaimed quietly, not wanting to cry again.
Originally Posted by Tristen
"you could just stay with a firen or come back here for school terms" he said.
Originally Posted by Erinelle
"I wish it was that easy!" She exclaimed, "My mother won't allow that, she's too stubborn! Tristen...i'm really sorry..." Erinelle said quietly, sensing his anger.
Originally Posted by Kat
Kat dropped her book suddenly with a loud bang as two upset, yet familiar voices startled her. Not wishing to disturb her friends or get caught, she raced out of the library, her face welling up with tears again.
Originally Posted by Tristen
"Yeah? should be." he struggled out in a strangled voice. His face was dark and his hair was shrouding the upper half. "This has to happen to me, doesn't it." he muttered inaudibly. He spun around as a loud bang permeated the room and caught sight of Kat's distraught face as she disappeared round a shelf. And he found he didn't particularly care. He wanted everyone to know how he felt betrayed by his best friend. But then the guilt came. A soft voice at first but it grew. Chaska must have felt just like this when you left her.
Originally Posted by Erinelle
Erinelle fell to her knees and sobbed, seeing and hearing Tristen tell her that she had to be sorry for her mothers choice made her snap and for once she fell to the floor and all the tears she had been holding back, flooded out. She took in a shuddering breath and tried to compose herself failing badly.
"It has to happen to me too!" She cried, failing to control the sobs that were now shaking her small body.
Originally Posted by Mah Tristen
He was already at his limit when she snapped. The mental strains that had been put on him from yesterday were beginning to take heir toll and he could only repress so much without developing a serious mental disease. Watching her there in front of him. It was almost out of body to watch this unfold. Himself stock still trying to control himself. Erinelle grovelling on the floor infront of him. His guilty conscience pleading with him to go to her and help her.He shut his eyes to the pain that surrounded him. It was within him and would not let him rest.

He broke. Succumbing to his own trap. He felt like a child again so helpless. His eyes were opened to what he'd tried to hide from himself. "I'm sorry Erinelle," he said in barely more than a whisper feeling dizzy. His eyes blurred the scene as they filled with tears that ran freely down his cheeks dripping from his nose and strands of his hair.
Originally Posted by My girl, Erinelle *hugs her like whoa*
She shook her head, "You don't have to be sorry," She cried quietly, looking up and gasping as she realised Tristen now had tears streaming down his face too. Her blue eyes took him in and she reached out her arms for a platonic hug, Tristen was her best guy friend after all, and she didn't want to see him so distraught. She continued to cry, her silent tears streaking over her face and she tried to calm down, but failed.
Originally Posted by Tristen
He let himself be cradled in her arms. "No I do need to be sorry." he told her. "Every time I get upset I always, always take it out on you. Your eleven I'm fourteen. You shouldn't have let me do that to you. You should have let me. Ever." he confessed shaking with uncried tears.
Originally Posted by Erinelle
She held him close to her and listened to what he said "It's what friends do," She explained softly, feeling him shake she comforted him gently rocking the fourteen year old boy in her arms in an attempt to soothe his torment. "I would have continued to put up with it, and i want you to know it." She continued, still holding him.
Originally Posted by Tristen
It seemed like and eternity or just a few moments before he was able to make intelligable sounds again. "Thank you, for always being there. Thank you for never letting me give up on myself." he paused here. He wiped his face on his sleeves and looked up at her. In that split second when their eyes connected he made his descision. He hugged her back letting go of all his emotion to replace it with hers. "If I gave you the world just to tell you how important you were to me it wouldn't be enough, but I have one thing I want to give you before you leave." he told her speaking softly in her ear.
Originally Posted by Erinelle
Looking back at Tristen, she dabbed at her face, trying to stem the flow of tears and blushed lightly at the comment he had just said. Her curiosity was peaked though when he said he wanted to give her something and she smiled at him softly, "I'm sure less than the world is adequate," she smiled at him, holding him back as she felt him relax with his emotions.
Originally Posted by Tristen!
"Si might hate me for this," he commented lightly. "Well, here goes." he breathed in, "I love you," he said. "Not like Si does. Like Chaska loved me before I left her. Like Kat loves you." He drew back from her and then leaned in again to brush his lips against her cheek. "There," he said and stood up.
Originally Posted by Erinelle
Erinelle looked at him, stunned briefly before smiling and allowing him to kiss her cheek. She stood up, and leant in, kissing his cheek back in reply. "I'm sure Si will hate me for this too, if not Kat, but i love you too, you're so good to me." She knew in her heart that she could never love anyone like she loved Si, but Tristen came close.
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Zoe loves Imi the most!

Last edited by starlightangel; 01-30-2007 at 07:34 PM.
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