Hey all! I'm glad you like my fan fic. Dont' worry the duel shall begin soon! I just need to prepare Neville. After all, we don't want him to lose!
Hermione could barely sleep that night. She could only think about how much pain she put on Neville. She also felt a pang of guilt in her heart, because Harry and Ron didn't know anything about this. They probably would, saying that Neville probably told them everything that evening.
That night she had bizzare dreams, and awoke hot and sweaty. She couldn't go back to bed, so she got up and did homework. When she finished, it was seven o'clock in the morning. It was a Saturday, and she wanted to get to the library before the duel. She wondered if she could get a book or two on how to properly fight in duels. Besides, she had a number of books to return. She also had to check out the Brain. She thought that it might be asleep right now, but she wasn't sure. She decided that she would check on him after the duel, saying that his voice was pretty loud, and she was probably the only one up right now. She threw on her robes and headed down to the library.
Hermione was flipping through the shelves. She was trying to pick the best books about duels based on her own knowledge, books with good ratings, and the inside summary of the book. So far she had
How to Win a Duel in Three Easy Steps,
The Do's and Don't's of Dueling, and
Professer Frinkle's 50 Tips on Dueling and Matching. After searching for another 10 minutes, she had also obtained
Duels, Duels, and More Duels,
Dueling Can Be Fun,
The Big Book of Spells to Use in Duels, and
Mastering Duels. Then Hermione sat down and bookmarked pages that Neville could read so he wasn't flipping through the whole book. She marked each useful page with a small lime green Post-It note. After one hour, she had placed the last Post-It. She shoved all the books into her bag and headed for the Great Hall.
"Here, Neville."
Hermione dumped her bag of books by Neville, who was eating soft, fluffy pancakes with jam. Harry and Ron were sitting across from him, eating eggs and bacon. They looked puzzled, so Hermione guessed that Neville haden't told them about anything that had happened last night. Neville didn't seem to notice. He seemed startled, but pleased at the same time. He grinned at Hermione.
"Gee, Hermione. Thanks. That was really nice of you." He opened the thinnest one, which was
Mastering Duels. He smiled. "Nice color of Post It notes," he commented. He propped open the book in front of him and began to read and eat pancakes at the same time.
Hermione sat on the bench beside him and helped herself to a banana and a piece of bacon. She ate rather slowly, cutting her bacon into small pieces so she wouldn't have to chew. She opened another book she had gotten for herself,
Picking the Right Potion- Potions Developing Over the Ages. Potions wasn't her favorite subject, but history was the most appealing to Hermione lately. Ron just stared at Neville, who was now taking notes on a large roll of parchment. Harry spoke up.
"Could someone please tell Ron and me why Neville is reading a book on dueling and Hermione looks stressed?" Neville looked at Hermione. Hermione looked at Neville. Ron peeled an orange. Harry stared at Hermione and Neville. "Well?" he asked.
Neville told a very detailed account of what happened the other night. "So I was just giving Hermione The Brain back and..."
Ron cut off Neville with a piercing accusation. "So this Brain thing comes up again huh Hermione. Potions formula indeed." Neville cut HIM off.
"That's not the point you guys. It's just a book Hermione lent me for Transfiguration. That's all."
Hermione would have hugged him if Ron and Harry weren't engrossed in Neville's account of the recent event. Instead she sighed and peeled her banana.
The rest of the morning and early afternoon, both Ron, Harry, and Hermione trained Neville for the upcoming event. Finally, three o'clock came. The four friends marched out onto the Quiddich field. Malfoy and his gang were waiting. He wore a grin on his face.
"Ready for the duel, Neville? I see you brought Mudblood, Potty, and the Weasel with you." He cackled. He cleverly rubbed his hands together and drew his wand. Pointing to the very center of the Quiddich field, he declared, "Let the games begin."
I'm going to let you guess what happens till I update

I know, I hate cliffhangers too, but I have to go now. Bye!